Ruby on Rails: Mẫu API (Phần 1)

Tram Ho

Trong bài viết này, minh xin chia sẻ về template mà mình đang làm ở công ty hiện tại step by step để giúp bạn có template chuẩn khi build 1 API App nhé À quên, trong bài viết này...

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Simple smooth scrolling guide in 10 minutes

Tram Ho

Smooth scrolling (the change of position from the original link to the bottom position) is a very good animation for the website, giving a smooth and slick experience. This is the code for smooth scrolling to a point on the...

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Familiarize yourself with Array in Ruby

Tram Ho

This article is in my basic Ruby series. Basic, so only very basic knowledge for new friends to Ruby. This article I would like to mention to you about arrays. Array is probably the most common data structure you will...

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How to publish the first package on NPM

Tram Ho

Below, a small guide to publishing your own packages on npm. You have written some code that you think is really useful! Now you want to publish it on npm so others can use your great package! There are many...

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