Use the Redis Cluster

Tram Ho

Redis is a useful tool for developing your applications. You can use Redis to cache, manage sessions in your application quickly. Redis has a much faster write and read speed than other databases. It also builds a pub / sub...

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Configure basic authencation in spring boot

Tram Ho

1. Thư viện [crayon-662d3ee6126b2131962979/] 2. Cấu hình [crayon-662d3ee6126bc420743153/] [crayon-662d3ee6126c0607370175/] [crayon-662d3ee6126c3344752076/] [crayon-662d3ee6126c6451333601/] [crayon-662d3ee6126c9418041742/] [crayon-662d3ee6126cb927289308/] File application.yml [crayon-662d3ee6126cf928994923/] **script tạo databse auth_server ** [crayon-662d3ee6126d2723700008/] 3. Test Run ứng dụng lên và bắt đấu dùng postman để request [crayon-662d3ee6126d4634148730/] Kết quả chúng ta...

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Failure Mode And Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Tram Ho

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a risk management technique . If done correctly, this can be a great addition to the best quality assurance processes to adhere to. In this article, our purpose is to introduce you to...

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CSRF attack and surrounding issues

Tram Ho

A little introduction to Web Cookies Because HTTP is a stateless protocol, previous and subsequent requests are not related to each other. HTTP cannot distinguish one user from another. To solve this problem, cookies were created to distinguish users from...

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Static Testing (Part 2)

Tram Ho

In part 1, I talked about the review work product process, in this part I will talk about the types of reviews and the review techniques. 5. Roles and responsibilities in standard review Author: Create products for review Fix work...

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A few ways to DRY code in Rails

Tram Ho

The term DRY is probably not new to developers, and perhaps it is also a software development principle that coders must know because its benefits are not small. What is DRY? DRY actually stands for: Don't Repeat Yourself In a...

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Learn about EC-CUBE

Tram Ho

To meet the needs of developing e-commerce websites, personal blogs ... there have been many CMS source codes released, strong support for web development and management becomes easier. One of the famous CMS like Wordpress, Wix, Shopify, ... Today we...

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Tip using LiveData

Tram Ho

Since its launch more than two years ago, LiveData has become an integral part of reactive programing. However, it is still not really perfect when we use The problem lies in observe function [crayon-662d3ee618112625923115/] However, with livedata-ktx version 2.2.0, we...

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