Exceptions and Exception handling in C #

Tram Ho

1. Description The C # language's exception handling features help you deal with any unexpected situations or exceptions that occur while a program is running. Exception handling uses the try , catch, and finally keywords to try actions that may...

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For loop in TypeScript

Tram Ho

Introduce I am new to the typescript language and have encountered some problems related to loops, so I share here so that the following friends have an overview of the loops in typescript, thereby saving A little time to find...

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GraphQL vs REST APIs

Tram Ho

As we all know, REST is the most common way most developers use to send data over HTTP . And the advent of GraphQL is seen as a revolutionary alternative to legacy REST APIs . REST What? REST is an...

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Mastering the System Bars in Android

Tram Ho

When building a User Interface (UI) on a mobile device, normally we only think of the user interfaces in the Application we are building. However the application interfaces are not independent on the mobile screens, they are also integrated with...

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How to write Rspec for good?

Tram Ho

When I first used Rspec, I didn't seem to really understand the meaning of writing Unit Test (Rspec), so I just wrote for it, or didn't have the mind. What is the purpose of writing unit tests for, even though...

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What’s new in JavaScript ES2021 (ES12)

Tram Ho

Introduce Every year, Javascript updates add new features. ES2021 (also known as ES12) is expected to be released in June this year. New features added each year go through a four-stage process. All the features listed below, at the time...

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