Swift and Objective C are faster than anyone

Since Swift appeared, is there a controversial problem that is Swift and ObjC which is faster?!? According to some benmark, Swift runs slower, usually in calculations. But in fact, Swift lays out not to race the speed of computational processing...

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Swift 2.2 has something hot

Recently, Apple officially released XCode 7.3 with Swift 2.2 with many changes in new syntax and features. Through this clip, I want to help you synthesize the above changes to quickly update your projects. Techtalk via IDE Academy

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Is Swift faster than Objective C?

This question has been asked many times by students and the answer is always unanswered. I will test with Xcode 7.3 beta and run some code comparing Swift 2.2 and Obj-C. The result will be surprising to all of us....

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