15 free “excellent” Swift programming resources

Swift was released by Apple for the purpose of simplifying the code used in Apple with iOS and OS X platforms. Swift can be compatible with the source of "predecessors" such as C, Objective-C and Cocoa Touch framework. .

If you are programming with Objective-C, learning Swift can be easy because it inherits many syntaxes that you are familiar with. If learning Swift is in to-do-list, but you haven't started yet, here are some free sources that make everything about Swift easier for you.

1. The Swift Programming Language

Dev can download Swift Programming Language for Mac OS and iOS via iBooks application. This is an official reference of Apple itself, including necessary information, concept, process of working with code samples.

Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/swift-programming-language/id881256329

2. Introduction to Swift

Apple has also released a playlist of videos on YouTube including short courses on Swift, including introductions and some syntaxes such as Constant and Variables, Integers and Arithmetic Operations.

3. The Swift Blog

As Apple's 3rd Swift source, this blog guides tips, insights, examples to optimize Swift usage. This is a great source for continuous updates about Swift.

Link: https://developer.apple.com/swift/blog/

4. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Swift

Many programmers, after learning about Swift, shared their knowledge learned on the blog. Post by TeamTreeHouse, An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Swift, summarized what is needed for beginners like Swift, essential tools and brief information about the Swift syntax.

Link: http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/an-absolute-beginners-guide-to-swift

5. Introduction to Swift for Non-Programmers

The free course from Udemy, called "Introduction to Swift for Non-Programmers", includes 8 vids that bring devs to the basic Swift foundation without previous programming experience.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/introduction-to-swift/

6. SoSoSwift

SoSoSwift collects sources to learn Swift. Dev can find videos, articles, tutorials, code samples and libraries to program Apps for iOS and OS X with Swift. If you have any suggestions about the source or the tutorial, the developers can submit a request or send a link to the website to be posted publicly.

Link: http://www.sososwift.com/

7. LearnSwift

Similar to SoSoSwift, LearnSwift gathers tutorials, videos screencasts and libraries for Swift. In particular, LearnSwift is divided into three sections: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, convenient for confident dev to choose and start learning today.

Link: http://www.learnswift.tips/

8. SwiftLang

SwiftLift gathers references from various sources. SwiftLang also builds a forum where developers can ask or answer questions from other developers related to Swift programming.

Link: https://swiftlang.eu/

9. Swift Cheat Sheet

Swift includes many syntaxes and is difficult to summarize once. So, Swift Cheat Sheet was released, bringing together a number of Swift syntax, in 1 page.

Link: http://cdn2.raywenderlich.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/RW-Swift-Cheatsheet-0_3.pdf

10. Build Your First App with Swift

After learning the basic steps, start programming your first app! Ebook Learn Swift Build Your First iOS Game will help you approach the necessary steps to program a game called Swiftris based on classic Tetris game.

Link: https://www.bloc.io/swiftris-build-your-first-ios-game-with-swift

11. Drawing With Swift in Playgrounds

A significant feature that Apple brings to Swift is Playground. In Playground, devs can see how code works immediately and Join Nate Murray instructs how to "play" in Playground.

12. Create App To-do List using Swift

There are many to-do apps in the App Store. Many of them offer special features with user-friendly design. But if you like to create your own to-do-list app, you can start with the video below.

13. Programming iOS 8 Apps with Swift

While this article was born, iOS 8 is preparing to ship. To help devs get ready to program apps for iOS 8, author Jameson Quave has shown how to use Swift in Part 1 and Part 2

14. Swift on StackOverflow

Meeting bugs in the app is inevitable. In case you have a problem with the bug, you can refer to OverflowStack for Swift to "seek" help from other developers.

Link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/swift

15. Hacking with Swift (Bonus)

Hacking with Swift is the source of a set of Swift programming tutorial courses written by Paul Hudson. Each project will help you to have a practical way to exploit iOS and to program attractive apps and games. Dev can find source code on Github .

Link: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/


ITZone via Hongkiat

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