What’s new in modern JavaScript (part 2)

Tram Ho

  • JavaScript has evolved very rapidly in recent years. Especially after the release of ES6 in 2015, things have turned out great.
  • In this article, we will discuss about the features introduced in ES2020 version.

The optional chaining operator

  • The optional chaining operator: Provides a way to simplify accessing values ​​through objects
  • Allow to handle short-circuiting if the reference is null or undefined, it returns undefined instead of throwing an error from which the program cannot continue.
  • This makes expressions shorter and simpler when accessing object properties where the viability of the reference is not guaranteed.

See example below: we have 1 object is blog :

  • By using the? operator, JavaScript knows to implicitly check to make sure references are between null or undefined before attempting to access further
  • If the reference is null or undefined, the expression will automatically stop and return undefined. Here is the same example using the option string:

The Nullish Coalescing (??) operator

  • The Nullish Coalescing (??) operator is a logical operator that returns its right operand when its left operand is null or undefined, and vice versa.

Results of a ?? b is:

Select a if it is not null or undefined Select b for the opposite above

similar to the example below

Dynamic Imports

  • Import allows us to import functions from other modules
  • To dynamically import a module, we can be called a function and automatically return Promise, Await

// ES2020 import (‘/ modules / my-module.js’) .then ((module) => {// Do something with the module.});

// ES2020 let module = await import (‘/ modules / my-module.js’);


  • Integer in Javascript is limited to 2 ^ 53- 1
  • Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER represents the maximum safe integer in JavaScript (2 ^ 53 – 1).

  • To process many times larger values ​​with high performance, we can use the following Big Integer library.
  • Big integers allow to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, comparison, … with unlimited integers, as long as you have enough RAM.

Promise.allSettled ()

  • The Promise.allSettled () method will return an array of all the existing Promises that were made or rejected.
  • It is often used when you have many asynchronous tasks that do not depend on each other for successful completion or you always want to know the result of each promise.
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Source : Viblo