The roadmap to start learning iOS programming

Tram Ho

1. Tools

First, to code iOS, you must have a macbook. If possible, use a 16GB macbook for long-term use during study and work.

Once you have a macbook, go to the App Store to install xCode (At link: or ). xCode is an IDE used to develop iOS software.

Just 1 macbook and 1 spirit of steel is enough. Let’s go!

2. What language to learn? Objective-C or Swift?

Swift and Objective-C are two languages ​​in iOS programming. Objective-C was born before Swift and has a history of development with many applications. Swift was later developed to replace Objective-C. Swift also comes with visual programming tools.

Because most of the projects today are written in Swift. So if you start learning iOS now, you should start with Swift.

3. The route to learn

These are the basics that you need to know to start learning iOS

  • Style coding in iOS. Keywords: Swift Convention. Reference link:
  • Learn about Storyboards and basic UI objects.
  • How to build layout for 1 screen in iOS. Keyword: Autolayout
  • UITableView. UITableView’s reuse mechanism.
  • UICollectionView. Compare UICollectionView and UITableView
  • Some ways to pass data between View Controllers in iOS
  • What is Closure? What is Delegate? What are protocols?
  • Learn weak self, unowned self. When to use weak self, when to use unowned self.

4. What do you need to know to practice?

To start the internship process at any company with Swift language, it will be good if we have some basic knowledge that we list below:

  • Understand the difference between struct and class in Swift. When to use struct, when to use class?
  • Understand the lifecycle of an iOS app, UIViewController lifecycle, UIView lifecycle
  • How many ways to transfer data in iOS. Which method do you use the most?
  • Distinguishable! and ?. List ways to unwrap in iOS
  • Show your understanding of strong self, weak self, unowned self
  • Demonstrate understanding of closure
  • Presentation of known models. Take for example MVC.

Let’s learn carefully the basic knowledge to start the iOS programming path.

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Source : Viblo