Supporting a poor review of a game, more than 2,400 Steam users have their accounts restricted

Tram Ho

As a public and very open platform, Steam always creates space for gamers to freely comment, leaving mixed reviews according to their evaluation of games. Below each Steam user review there will always be a “Was this comment helpful” prompt with Yes, No, Humor or Prize options. Of course, some comments that are too negative or have inappropriate language will be penalized. But recently, many people were surprised when even not posting a comment, but just clicking “Yes” to acknowledge its usefulness, will also seriously affect Steam user accounts. important.

Ủng hộ đánh giá kém chất lượng về một tựa game, hơn 2.400 người dùng Steam bị hạn chế tài khoản - Ảnh 1.

Steam allows gamers to freely comment on games

Accordingly, recently a game has suddenly received strong criticism from the gaming community. That’s Warlander – a multiplayer and highly competitive fighting game. And the critical post from a gamer with the name Freedoms117 pointed out that Warlander’s problem lies in its own anti-hacking system called Sentry Anti-Cheat, when it does not help at all in bringing about fair to the game but is also collecting personal data of gamers. Even this guy is so amazing that he always shows other players how to remove Sentry Anti-Cheat in just a few basic steps. Freedons117’s comment has since received countless awards, along with 2439 upvotes with the helpful “Yes” option.

Ủng hộ đánh giá kém chất lượng về một tựa game, hơn 2.400 người dùng Steam bị hạn chế tài khoản - Ảnh 2.

But recently, more than 2,400 people have had their accounts restricted just for supporting a negative comment for Warlander.

But in mid-April, this gamer’s comment was suddenly assessed by Steam as a violation of the platform’s terms of service and hidden content. Freedoms117’s personal account is then restricted for 30 days, locking down all community features on Steam. This means that he will not be able to post reviews, be active on forums or vote for other articles, even if gaming is not affected. If it just stops here, everything is quite normal. But surprisingly, even 2439 supporters of Freedoms’ article had to receive the same penalty on Steam for 30 days.

Ủng hộ đánh giá kém chất lượng về một tựa game, hơn 2.400 người dùng Steam bị hạn chế tài khoản - Ảnh 3.

The publisher Warlander later also spoke out about this incident

With his complaint, Freedoms117 was later removed by Steam and explained that the moderator was mistaken and thought the gamer was teaching other players how to dodge anti-cheat software in Warlander . At the same time, the ban on 2439 accounts above has also been removed. For its part, Warlander’s publisher Plaion has posted a supportive article, acknowledging that Sentry Anti-Cheat has real bugs, but insists it has absolutely no player data collection feature.

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Source : Genk