Setting up the CudaC code environment

Tram Ho

Before coding, we have to set up the environment to code, in this article I will guide you how to setup and for those who own a computer without a GPU, don’t worry because we will code on Google Colab. (The temple is the best). And rest assured it will be surprisingly easy and quick

Setup Google Colab

Step 1: Create a new Notebook

Create google colab

Click New handbook image.png

Click Runtime –> change runtime type

image.png Adjust to GPU And press save image.png

Step 2: Download the necessary things

Surely on the internet you will see a lot of downloads and a long time and the results are not successful (I tried ) and after a lot of experience, this is the fastest and easiest way

As you can see cuda has been pre-installed from the beginning (version 11.8) so we don’t need to do the steps to delete and re-download cuda like the instructions on the net.

2.1. !nvcc –version image.png

2.2 !pip install git+ image.png

2.3 %load_ext nvcc_plugin image.png

2.4 Congratulations on your setup. A small note is that when running the code, remember to write something before coding


Sample code for you to test

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#define N 10
__global__ void a(){

        printf("%dn", threadIdx.x *threadIdx.x );
int main(){
    a <<<1, N>>>();
    return 0;


It’s okay if you see a few red underlines at the bottom (I don’t know why)

Explain the steps

This small part I explain the steps and you can skip it but it’s quick, it doesn’t take much time

As you can see I don’t need to reload cuda like other instructions because cuda is already preinstalled ( !nvcc –version) and luckily gcc support for version 11.8.


And some of the errors that you often encounter are because when reinstalling cuda and the newly downloaded cuda version is not suitable for gcc image.png

So lesson 2 comes to an end, wish you success and see you in lesson 3


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Source : Viblo