Practice Task Management Series with Backlog – P.2

Tram Ho

Instruct tasks with Tasks

Create a new task

To experience project management with tools, try Backlog – a project management tool used only by a web browser. Refer to Backlog here .

First we will create the project on Backlog. We will example the project this time is to design a simple website.

Add title

To complete the project, list all the important tasks. For example, this time will create the "Design Top Screen Design" task.

First log in to Backlog and select the project. From the menu, select the item 課題 の 追加 / Add issues

Enter the general content, details

Enter task overview in Task 名 / Name and task details in 詳細 / Detail

Choose who is responsible for that task

Enter the person responsible for that task. Users who have been added to the project will be able to choose. If you do not have the necessary users, please register and add to the project.

Enter the deadline

Enter the deadline for that task. When you click on Date, it will display the Calendar to choose.

Add task

Click the 追加 / Add button at the bottom of the screen

Now that the task creation has completed, continue to create other important tasks.

So, you can list the important tasks for creating a website.

Update task

After creating the task, based on the priority and the deadline, the tasks will be deployed sequentially. When starting a task, change the status of the task from 「未処理 / Unprocessed” to 「処理 中 / Processing」. By changing the status of a task, other members can understand that the task has already started processing.

Here are the steps to set the status of created tasks.

Find the title

From the Menu, select 「課題 の 検 索 / Find title」.

Select 編 集 / Edit

Select the item you want to change in the drop down list, for example this time it will change to 処理 中 / Processing

Save changes

Click the 保存 / Save button

As such, the status of the task has been changed from 「未処理 / Unprocessed” to 「処理 中 / Processing」, and everyone can understand that this task is being performed.

Update easily

If the task's deployment is finished, its status will be changed to 「完了 / Complete”. On Backlog, if you want to update easily, you can completely customize directly in the details of that task.

Search for the task

We can retrieve some needed tasks from many tasks using the search feature. From the Menu, select 「課題 の 検 索 / Search for subject」.

Search for topics

Search results will display with the default search conditions. The default search condition is that all tasks whose status is not 「完了 / Complete」, therefore, the list displays as unfinished tasks.

Change search conditions

This time, we usually show all tasks with the status of 「完了 / Complete」. Click on the word "完了 / Complete" in the status box in the search condition.

Tasks with the status "Completed" will be displayed

Search by Keyword

We can also search by typing keyword directly into the box at the top right. For example, enter ド メ イ ン / Domain

Tasks with corresponding keywords will be displayed


Apart from the above, we also have many different search terms. By clicking on 高度 な 検 索 / Advanced Search,, we can perform a search using many different conditions.

Gantt charts

Gantt charts help to capture the progress of the project in the overall project.

Try to automatically create Gantt Chart from tasks. The first thing to prepare, is to set Deadline into tasks. In the task editing screen, set the deadline for that task.

Click on the 「保存 / Save」 button

Gantt Chart Screen

Similarly, let's set deadlines for other tasks too. After setting the deadline for the task, from the Menu, we select 「ガ ン ト チ ャ ー ト / Gantt Chart」.

The Gantt chart will be displayed based on the task's information

Looking at the Gantt chart, we can tell that the "Processing domain" task has been overdue but has not yet been processed, so we need to quickly confirm and find a solution.

Activity ring

We will talk about general processing loops for tasks during the actual project management implementation using Backlog.

  1. Create task, set up Responsible Person (PIC)
  2. Change status to 「処理 中 / Processing」, perform the task
  3. After performing the task, change the status to 「処理 済 み / Process finished」
  4. Transfer tasks to the Manager
  5. The manager, after confirming the task, will close the task and change the status to 「完了 / Complete」. If there is a problem, go back to step 2.

Following this flow, the manager will confirm that the task is actually done, so it will avoid missing the task. However, focusing too much time on task validation will sometimes overwhelm the manager, which in turn causes overall project stagnation. Therefore, if effort is exceeded, divide the work with other validators.

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Source : Viblo