OS command injection vulnerabilities (Part 1)

Tram Ho

I. Pose the problem

1. Introduction

OS command injection vulnerabilities are just a type of vulnerability that allows an attacker to “inject” and execute arbitrary commands corresponding to the operating system (OS) of the system. Therefore, this type of attack is also known as shell injection . This is one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities, usually rated in about

9.0 10.0 9.0 – 10.0 in CVSS score. Because when an attacker executes shell commands at the system will be able to directly penetrate the server, transferring the attack to other systems in the organization.

2. Distinguish Code injection and Command injection

To better understand this type of attack, in this article I will compare the characteristics between Code injection and Command injection .

Code injectionCommand injection
General term for attacks that insert executable code into the targetOnly specific execution of shell (OS) commands corresponding to the operating system at the system
Payload inject can be any language like php, Ruby, Python, …Payload inject are shell commands like id, whoami, ls, … and can vary with different operating systems
Attackers mostly have root/admin privileges because the source code is often executed with high privilegesThe attacker has the privileges of the compromised application, e.g. a web application often carries the www-data . privilege

3. Some shell commands and special characters commonly used in OS command injection attacks

Since current systems often have servers running on the Ubuntu operating system platform, I will focus on the most commonly used commands in this operating system, with other operating systems for you to discover more on your own. .

When testing the OS command injection attack successfully on the target, we can exploit the system in the following ways: identify the current user with the whoami command, list filenames and directories with ls , read files with commands cat, tac, head, tail, …

The most “artistic” part is the combination of special characters with commands to bypass the filter from the system, executing commands for different purposes. The following table summarizes commonly used characters and their uses:

cmd1 | cmd2The result of cmd1 becomes the parameter passed to cmd2, whether cmd1 executes successfully or fails, cmd2 executes
cmd1 || cmd2cmd1 executes failed, then cmd2 executes
cmd1 ; cmd2cmd1 executes successfully or fails will execute cmd2
cmd1 & cmd2cmd1 executes in the background, cmd1 and cmd2 execute concurrently
cmd1 && cmd2cmd1 executes successfully then cmd2 executes
( cmd1;cmd2; cmd3 )concurrently execute cmd1, cmd2, cmd3

In addition, there are many other useful characters and commands, which you can learn more and skillfully combine to bring great efficiency in the process of building attack payload.

Common functions for reading file content:

Common functions for directory browsing:

II. Analysis and exploitation of OS command injection vulnerabilities

1. Why can an attacker exploit the OS command injection vulnerability?

When a system uses direct user input (Cookie, HTTP Header, parameter, …) as a parameter passed to the execution in a shell command, where there are no protection mechanisms or processes loose filter will lead to Command injection vulnerability. The system will then unconditionally execute these dangerous inputs!

2. Some functions can lead to OS command injection

Every programming language has functions that support shell command execution, when using these functions be careful with input from the user, as I often say, the attacker also plays the role of the user!

2.1. PHP language

  • system() function

Syntax: system(string $command, int &$result_code = null)

Execute and print the output of the $command . Eg:


  • exec() function

Syntax: exec(string $command, array &$output = null, int &$result_code = null)

Execute the $command . If there is a $output variable, it will store the results in $output as an array. Eg:


  • passthru() function

Syntax: passthru(string $command, int &$result_code = null)

Execute and print the output of the $command . Eg:


  • shell_exec() function

Syntax: shell_exec(string $command)

Execute the $command . Eg:


  • popen() function

Syntax: popen(string $command, string $mode)

Opens a “pipe” to the program specified in the $command variable. Eg:


  • proc_open() function

Syntax: proc_open(array|string $command, array $descriptor_spec, array &$pipes, ?string $cwd = null, ?array $env_vars = null, ?array $options = null)

Uses the same as popen() but provides a greater degree of control over the execution of the program.

  • Backtick character pair:

PHP will execute the contents of the parameters placed in the pair as a shell command.


2.2. Python language

  • system() function

Syntax: system(command)

  • popen() function

Syntax: popen(cmd, mode='r', buffering=-1)

  • Function subprocess.call()/subprocess.run()

Syntax: subprocess.call(args, *, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, capture_output=False, shell=False, cwd=None, timeout=None, check=False, encoding=None, errors=None, text=None, env=None, universal_newlines=None, **other_popen_kwargs)

2.3. Java language

Note java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)


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