Mr. Donald Trump launched an interactive channel “challenges” Facebook

Tram Ho

The new communication channel of Mr. Trump was first reported by Fox News on 4-5 days. The media platform, called “From Donald Trump’s Desk” on his personal website, allows Mr. Trump to post comments, photos, videos.

However, the new platform does not have a feature that allows users to reply to or interact with Mr. Trump’s posts.

Ông Donald Trump ra mắt kênh tương tác “thách thức” Facebook - Ảnh 1.

Mr. Donald Trump can post, photos and videos on the new media platform. Photo: Bloomberg

The move comes just a day before Facebook makes its final verdict on whether to uphold an indefinite suspension of Trump’s account, after he was allegedly inciting riots in parliament on Monday. 6-1, or not.

Mr. Jason Miller, Trump’s longtime adviser and spokesman for the 2020 election campaign, said this is not yet the social networking platform that Mr. Trump intends to launch. “We’ll provide more information on that in the near future,” Miller announced on Twitter.

Earlier in March, Mr. Miller said Trump would return to social media in about 2-3 months. According to Mr. Miller, Trump’s social network will attract “tens of millions” of users and completely redefine the game.

This new sharing channel was developed by Campaign Nucleus, a company owned by Brad Parscale, former campaign director of Mr. Trump.

Trump’s recent posts on the site echo the allegations that he failed the 2020 race because of election fraud, as well as criticizing Republicans who did not support him like the Senator. Mitt Romney and Rep. Liz Cheney.

Twitter and Facebook have yet to comment on how they will handle posts shared from Trump’s new platform.

Twitter said the ban on Mr. Trump is permanent even if he is running for re-election. Meanwhile, YouTube has said it will reinstate Mr. Trump’s channel after it has determined that the risk of violence has decreased.

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Source : Genk