Linux Shell vs Shell Script – Variables – Basic Operators

Tram Ho

  • Hello everyone, in the previous section we have an overview of Shell and Shell Script, if you have not read it, you can see here.
  • And in this article we will go into more about it. Specifically about what? Let’s start!


  • In Linux (Shell), there are 2 types of variable :
    • System variables: Created and maintained by Linux itself. Usually written in UPPERCASE format.
    • User-defined variables (UDV): Created and maintained by the user. Usually written in lowercase format.
  • You can view the system variables by turning on the terminal and typing the set command:

Note: Do not change the System variable, it may cause a system error.

  • Definition of variables: variable_name=variable_value
    • variable_name : Must start with alphanumeric characters or underscores. For example: HOME, user_name …
    • Do not put spaces on either side of the equal sign when assigning values ​​to variables. For example: $no =1 , $no= 1 , $no = 1 .
    • Variables are case-sensitive, like the filename in Linux.
    • The variable NULL can be defined as follows: $no= $no=""
    • Do not use characters ! * - @ $ ... to name variables because they have special meaning for Shell (*).
  • To see the value of the variable we use the command: echo $VARIABLE_NAME
  • Readonly variable: its value cannot be changed – readonly variable_name syntax
  • Discard a variable – Syntax unset variable_name

Special variables (*)

  • As mentioned above, we cannot use special characters like ! @ $ ... to name the variable. This is because the characters are used in special Linux variables. These variables are reserved for specific functions:
NoVariable & Description
first$ 0 – Filename of current command / script
2$ n – These variables correspond to the arguments passed, n is a positive integer. For example: ./ ab , the arguments $ 1, $ 2 are a and b respectively
3$ # – Number of arguments passed. For example: ./ ab will have 2 arguments
4$? – The exit status of the previous command is run (usually 0 represents the previous command successfully run, other than 0 is failed) Max range [0 – 255]
5$$ – Number of current shell processes. For Shell Script, this is the processID number it is running
6$! – Process number of the last background command
7$ * – Contains all arguments passed. If there are 3 arguments passed, the value will be $ 1 $ 2 $ 3 when used
8[email protected] – Contains all arguments passed but separated into separate arguments like $ *
  • Consider the following example. Create a file with arbitrary name, here I put with the following content:

  • Run this file and then observe the result (remember to give this file permission): ./ Hello World
  • Do you see the variables $* and [email protected] are the same? Basically, these two variables behave the same, unless they are enclosed in “” . When putting quotation marks (“”) then:
    • $ *: Input arguments will be concatenated into a string and separated by spaces.
    • [email protected] : The arguments to be included will be distinguished individually.
  • Consider the following example:
  • Results of running ./ Hello World :

Basic Operators

  • Basically Shell Linux uses basic operators like other programming languages ​​like C / C ++, Java …
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Relational Operators
    • Boolean Operators
    • String Operators
    • File Test Operators

a. Arithmetic Operators (Arithmetic Operators)

  • Shell didn’t originally have any mechanism to perform arithmetic operations, but it used to use external programs like awk or expr to execute.
  • The following example shows the syntax for adding 2 numbers (create a file named with the following content):

  • Run the command ./ we will get the result: 5
  • The following should be noted in the above operation:
    • Between operators and expressions, there must be spaces . For example, 2 + 2 is not correct, should be written as 2 + 2 .
    • The complete expression must be enclosed in <biểu thức> , called the backtick .
  • Arithmetic operators supported by Shell. Assume variable a = 10, variable b = 20:
OperatorDescribeFor example
+Summationexpr $a + $b Result: 30
Subtractionexpr $a - $b Result: -10
*Multiplicationexpr $a * $b Result: 200
/Divisionexpr $b * $a Result: 2
%Division with the remainderexpr $b * $a Result: 0
=Assignmenta = $b : Assign the value of b to a
==The comparison is equal to (true, false)[ $a == $b ] Result: false
! =Other comparisons (true, false)[ $a == $b ] Result: true
  • It is important to note that the conditional expressions must be surrounded by spaces in []. For example [$ a == $ b] is true, and [$ a == $ b] is wrong.
  • All arithmetic operations are performed using a long interger.

b. Relational Operator (Relational Operator)

  • Shell supports the following relational operators exclusively for numerical values . These operators do not work for string values unless their value is numeric.
  • Assume $ a = 10 and $ b = 20:
OperatorDescribeFor example
-eq (Equal)Checks whether the values ​​of 2 operands are equal[ $a -eq $b ] Result: false
-ne (Not Equal)Checks whether the values ​​of 2 operands are different[ $a -ne $b ] Result: true
-gt (Greater than)Checks whether the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand[ $a -gt $b ] Result: false
-lt (Less than)Checks whether the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand[ $a -lt $b ] Result: true
-ge (Greater or Equal)Checks whether the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand[ $a -ge $b ] Result: false
-le (Less or Equal)Checks whether the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand[ $a -le $b ] Result: true

c. Boolean Operators (Boolean Operators)

  • The following Boolean operators are supported by Shell. Suppose $ a = 10, $ b = 20.
OperatorDescribeFor example
!Negative logic[! false] Result: true
-oOR operation – If one of the operands is true then the expression is true[$ a -lt 20 -o $ b -gt 100] Result: true
-aAND operation – If all operands are true then the expression is true[$ a -lt 20 -a $ b -gt 100] Result: false

d. String Operators

  • Assuming $ a = “abc”, $ b = “efg”:
OperatorDescribeFor example
=Checks whether the values ​​of 2 operands are equal[$ a = $ b] Result: false
! =Checks whether the values ​​of 2 operands are different[$ a! = $ b] Result: true
-zCheck the length operand by 0. not[-z $ a] Result: false
-nCheck other operand length 0 not[-n $ a] Result: true
strCheck if string str is different from empty[$ a] Result: true

e. File Test Operators (File test operators)

  • Assuming the $ file variable points to a file named “test”, the file size is 100 bytes and has read, write, and execute rights .
OperatorDescribeFor example
-b fileCheck if the file is block special file[-b $ file] Result: false
-c fileCheck if the file is a special special file[-c $ file] Result: false
-d fileCheck if the file is a directory[-d $ file] Result: false
-f fileCheck if the file is a regular file, not a directory or a special file[-f $ file] Result: true
-g fileCheck if the file has bit ID group setting ( SGID ) installed[-g $ file] Result: false
-k fileCheck if the file has sticky bits installed[-k $ file] Result: false
-p fileCheck if the file is a named pipe[-p $ file] Result: false
-t fileCheck that the file description is open and associated with the terminal[-t $ file] Result: false
-u fileCheck if the file has Set User ID ( SUID ) installed[-u $ file] Result: false
-r fileCheck if the file is readable[-r $ file] Result: true
-w fileCheck if the file is writable[-w $ file] Result: true
-x fileCheck if the file is executable[-x $ file] Result: true
-s fileCheck if the file size is greater than 0[-s $ file] Result: true
-e fileCheck if the file exists. True even if file directory[-e $ file] Result: true


  • Ok, this article we learn here only, you try to do a lot to remember offline. The next article we will learn about Array, Loop, Function … Stay tuned.
  • Thank you for reading!
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