Event Handlers with Event Listeners

Tram Ho

An indispensable part of a website. What gives users the feeling that they’re actually communicating with the website, not just reading a newspaper or watching a movie.
Events are simply understood that actions taking place in the browser can be created by the user or the browser itself.
For example, when the user clicks on an element, enters text into a textfield or moves the cursor on an element.

In this article, I will talk about two ways to handle events and use them properly for each case.

Using Event Handler

You can use the available EventHandler property of the object to be able to “catch the event”.

It sounds a bit complicated, but you probably did it without knowing its name.

In this example, the onclick property is used so that when the user clicks on the button, it will print the words “Hello!” enter the console log.
The “onclick” attribute is just one of the available EventHandler . Here are some common properties that can be used.

NoEvent Namedescription
firstonclickEvent occurs when the HTML tag is clicked
2ondbclickEvent occurs when double clicking on HTML tag
3onchangeAn event occurs when the value of the HTML tag is changed. Usually used in form input tags
4onmouseoverThe event occurs when the mouse pointer starts entering the HTML tag
5onmouseoutThe event occurs when the mouse pointer starts leaving the HTML tag
6onmouseenterSimilar to onmouseover
7onmouseleaveSimilar to onmouseout
8onmousemoveEvent occurs when the mouse moves inside the HTML tag
9onkeydownEvent occurs when typing any key in the input box
tenonloadThe event happens when the HTML tag starts running, it’s like an object-oriented constructor.
11onkeyupAn event occurs when you type, but when you release the key, it is triggered
twelfthonkeypressAn event occurs when you press a key in the input box
14onblurEvent occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the input box
15oncopyAn event occurs when you copy the content of the tag
16oncutAn event occurs when you cut the content of the tag
17onpasteAn event happens when you paste content into a tag


Add Event Listener

In addition to the above EventHandler properties, we can also add an event to the object through the addEventListener .

By adding an event listener to an object, we can capture a series of events generated by the user or browser.

Instead of using the onclick property, here I use the addEventListener() method:

  • target : This is the element you need to add Event Listeners to. (Using DOM Selector ).
  • event : Are the types of events such as click, mouseover, … (You can see here )
  • function : The name of the function you need to add

Difference between Event Handlers and addEventListener

If you will be using EventHandler , the most obvious difference is that if you add an event for the same type (e.g. onclick on the button), then the 2nd event will overwrite the first event and only the that event is enforced. The reason is due to:

For a given element, you can only have one event handler per event type, but you can have multiple event listeners .

At times like this we will need the addEventListener

How should I use it?

Which method you should use depends on where to use it.

Do you need to add multiple events to an element? Will the addition of that element be needed in the future?

Yes, that’s why the addEventListener is recommended.



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Source : Viblo