DDR5 RAM is 85% faster than DDR4, ready for launch

Tram Ho

This new generation RAM memory is 85% more efficient than DDR4, and could be the end of memory bottlenecks.

The US manufacturer of memory Micron has begun to introduce

Introducing my first DDR5 RAM modules. This new generation RAM memory is 85% more efficient than DDR4, and could be the end of memory bottlenecks.

Although currently only available for servers and cloud computing systems, these first DDR5 RAM modules are also a precursor to a widely released version across all computer segments.

RAM DDR5 nhanh hơn 85% so với DDR4, đã sẵn sàng để ra mắt - Ảnh 1.

The new DDR5 RAM module is built on 1Znm process, doubles the memory capacity compared to the previous generation, and improves performance by 85% faster. The data rate of DDR5 can reach 3,200 – 6,400 MT / s, while that of DDR4 is 1,600 – 3,200 MT / s. Each DDR5 RAM module can have 8GB – 64GB memory capacity.

The widespread use of DDR5 RAM modules still takes a lot of time. The first mainstream computers equipped with DDR5 RAM could appear in 2023.

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Source : Techtalk