China supervises sanitation workers with GPS rings

Tram Ho

Many Chinese sanitation workers will receive a notification via a bracelet with integrated GPS if they are found not to move while working.

According to South China Morning Post, Nanjing River River environmental services company in Jiangsu Province, China recently used smart bracelets to monitor its employees in shifts.

Hết đánh giá công dân, theo dõi tù nhân, giờ đây Trung Quốc còn giám sát cả công nhân vệ sinh bằng vòng đeo GPS - Ảnh 1.

If the cleaning worker does not move during the shift for at least 20 minutes, they will be deemed to be out of work and will receive a warning through the bracelet. The device will announce: “Please continue to work”.

Zhang, a vice president of the company, said monitoring employees with bracelets is a way to reduce management costs. However, the warning feature was met with fierce opposition from employees and forced to cancel on April 4, just one day after it was deployed.

Even so, the company still requires employees to wear rings to monitor where employees are cleaning to make sure they are still working according to regulations. The company also has a large screen used to monitor the location and movement in real time of all sanitation workers.

Earlier the company had asked employees to wear smart wristbands with built-in GPS while working from March. The company expects the bracelet to increase productivity by encouraging employees to be more dedicated.

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However, according to an unnamed employee, they believe that this monitoring method is still inadequate. That is the company constantly monitoring workers even at that time workers do not have anything to do. This forced workers to continue walking even though they needed a break.

Recently China has emerged as a leading country with many new technologies to help monitor and administer society.

Hết đánh giá công dân, theo dõi tù nhân, giờ đây Trung Quốc còn giám sát cả công nhân vệ sinh bằng vòng đeo GPS - Ảnh 2.

The country now has a system of professional citizen grading and face tracking at schools to avoid examination fraud or household attendance. Even recently, some prisons in China have installed an AI system to monitor prisoners who have defection intentions.

Refer to the South China Morning Post

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