Building OneLink with Google Sheets is super simple

Tram Ho

1. What is OneLink?

OneLink is a tool that helps you create a unique link that will automatically redirect to the “corresponding operating system”. For example, PC will switch back to the PC link, Android will switch back to Android and similarly for iOS. Tools that can help you create an existing OneLink include:

  • AppsFlyer: This may be the best way at the moment, but it has a fee, and requires the installation of that party’s SDK, so it will be a bit complicated.
  • OneLink to: This tool is completely free, but does not allow you to customize each link individually on each operating system, so it cannot be tracked in depth.
  • Dynamic Link by Firebase: This is also a free tool that can deeply track each campaign. The campaign link cannot be changed once it has been posted and seeded

Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. Today, I just found a fairly new tool that can overcome the above disadvantages, which is Url To Url.

2. What is Url To Url?

URL To URL is also a form of OneLink with many advantages compared to the above tools

  • Easy to install and use, no need to add any SDK
  • Can track separately for each platform, shortlink separately for each platform for easier tracking effect
  • Easily change the original link after posting. Very suitable for you to go seeding and then want to change the original link
  • Manage links easily with Google Sheets
  • Url to Url uses Google’s own Google Sheets file, so you can take full advantage of the formulas and effects of Google Sheets
  • It’s very safe because you use your own Google Sheets file as the main “server”, so you can’t worry about it
  • Easily decentralize administration right on the Google Sheets file
  • Super cheap price only $ 5 / 1 year, you will have 30 days to try it for free (Note after the free period if you do not register for the pro package all links will lead to the default URL of Url To Url

3. Instructions for building an Onlink server with Url To Url

Step 1: Install

You go to this page to get the Google Sheets file and then click on it and choose to make a copy. Then select “Tools” -> “Script Editor” -> “Deploy” and agree the permissions. Then you will have a link, save this link. I go back to the Google Sheets file earlier and paste that link into the “setup” sheet and paste all the B columns and the “linkRelease” column. Now we will learn a little bit about adding a link

To create a new link, you need to return to the “data” sheet and then fill in the following information:

  • idAt: This is the id of the link, you must enter the keyword that does not appear in the file for example you can get the time or the name of the campaign so that it does not match.
  • status: The status of the link on is true, off is false
  • link: This is the link it will lead to if it’s a pc
  • linkWhenOff: This is the link that will lead if the status is false (Regardless of Platform)
  • linkAndroid: Link to return when the user uses android (If not, it will point to the link)
  • linkIos: Link to return when the user uses IOS (If not, it will point to the link)
  • utm_source,utm_medium: These two variables are used to add tracking sources if you want
  • shortLink,qrCode: The system automatically gen after you complete the required data
  • linkShare:(generated system) This is the most important link it is the result you need, you can take this link short with other tools or use the short link above

4. Conclusion

URL to URL is a fairly new tool, but if you know how to take advantage of it, it will help you quite a bit. Eg:

  • When you go to seeding for a program and the links have been seeded, but need to change the link then oh maggots, you don’t have to seeding from the beginning. Then this is a lifesaver for you, you just need to change the link in the excel file and it’s ok
  • Or you seeding for a program that has ended want to point to another link. Then this is also a pretty good tool you should try

I am being given a few free codes for 1 month of this tool if you need it, you can  comment email or contact via skype ruaconnb93 I will give it to the fastest 5 friends. The price of this tool is also quite soft

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