Just because of the name, an app was almost removed from the App Store by Apple

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App developer Amphetamine, an application that prevents Macs from falling into Sleep Mode, said that after appearing in the App Store for six years, suddenly a few days ago, Apple said he was violating instructions. on the App Store and have to edit your information. All because of the name of this developer’s app.

On the first day of 2021, William C. Gustafson, developer of Amphetamine, said on GitHub and Reddit that Apple had just informed him that he had two weeks to ” remove all references to the word” amphetamine “. and remove the pill shape from the app icon . ” If he doesn’t, Apple will remove his app on January 12.

Apple contacted him on December 29 and said that Amphetamine ” appeared to be promoting the inappropriate use of controlled substances. Specifically, your app name and logo include ,” Gustafson said . references to controlled substances and drugs . ”

Chỉ vì cái tên, một ứng dụng suýt bị Apple xóa bỏ khỏi App Store - Ảnh 1.

This free macOS app has been downloaded 432,000 times so far with a score of 4.8. Gustafson also stressed that Apple even once included Amphetamine in the Mac App Store success story. He also said that there have been many times in the past when he interacted with Apple employees when updating his apps and no one had ever objected to app names or icons.

Meanwhile, Apple’s recent announcement says that Gustafson’s application violates the principle, which states ” Applications that encourage the consumption of drugs are either vape products, illegal drugs or alcohol consumption. An overdose will be prohibited on the App Store.Applications that encourage minors to consume any of these substances will also be denied. Not allowed to facilitate the sale of marijuana, tobacco or controlled substances control (except licensed drug stores) . ”

Gustafson said that while his app did not violate any of the above rules, changing the name at Apple’s request would destroy brand recognition and make it harder for users to find them in the coming update here. Therefore, Gustafson has filed a complaint with Apple although there is not much hope that this will be successful.

But it seems that Apple realized its mistake when considering the developer’s complaint and approved Gustafson’s app to stay in the App Store without having to adjust the image and name.

On January 2, I received a call from Apple to discuss my complaint. During that call, an Apple representative said Apple now recognizes the word” amphetamine “and the logo, said Gustafson . The application’s pill form is used as “metaphor” and carries “medical significance” . ”

Refer to The Verge

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Source : Genk