
Why do people worship Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t?

In 2018, The Verge opened an “investigation” into why so many people worship Elon Musk.

They discovered that Americans’ admiration for the CEO was astounding. According to The Verge, an artist named Salina Gomez once tweeted: “I actually tried to kill myself in March 2017 and ended up with a couple of broken ribs, hospitalized. Learn about Tesla. It’s the only thing that gets me out of bed every day.”

Gomez doesn’t stop at a tweet. She began writing a book called Tweeting Me Softly, treating Elon Musk’s tweets as a way of presenting his work as a work of art.

Of course, Gomez’s case is not many and Musk receives many detractors, but the followers of this CEO tend to overwhelm them all. “He wanted to save humanity,” they used to say.

Mark Zuckerberg is similar to Musk when it comes to turning an idea into a multi-billion dollar company and changing the way people interact with each other forever. But rather than spend a lot of ink on his future-minded social strategies or Facebook’s impact on today’s hyper-connected world, the public just wanted to look at Mark’s Achilles heel.

Criticism directed at social networking giant Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg personally has never been lacking. It could be Mark’s unintelligent approach to security and privacy issues and his fanciful claims that Facebook has no problem.

However, the most serious problem probably comes from the fact that Mark Zuckerberg often posts on forums claiming that everything Facebook does is for the benefit of users but is in fact optimizing profit. They are also angry at Mark Zuckerberg’s “fake mute and deaf” reactions when people criticize Facebook’s mistakes.

In essence, it seems that the difference between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg comes down to the vision – and commitment to that vision.

Users can see the connection between self-driving cars and a safer future where quality of life improves. Meanwhile, they cannot see the same with a company that continuously exploits their personal data with almost zero respect.

To Elon Musk, everything this CEO does seems to come from a deep belief that science and technology, if harnessed to the fullest, can make our lives better.

For Mark Zuckerberg, there is almost no vision at all.

Therefore, it is not surprising that shareholders at Facebook wanted Mark Zuckerberg to go while Musk was revered as a technology “god” who has the greatest vision among today’s tech CEOs.

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