Who is responsible for Quality?

I started my series of statements by ending in a company slide about Quality Management: "Who is responsible for Quality?" (Who is responsible for Quality?) The illustration for the question is also quite funny, The engineering team pointed to the QA room when the gun aimed at them. The answer is also very condensed: Everyone is responsible for Quality, including senior managers. (Everyone, including Top management). Do you understand the above answer?

In the first days of approaching this concept, I laughed and thought: well, this could be the reason everyone blames the system. When problems occur, they say it is everyone's responsibility, not just themselves, so the sense of responsibility of each individual is greatly reduced when faced with problems.

However, under the constant OT days, the times when customers scolded for low project quality, the training sessions of the trainers, they were very patient to explain each problem (including basic problem). most) for our group, I realized that my initial thoughts were childish and repulsive. "Everyone is responsible for Quality" should be understood: each individual must be responsible for quality within the scope of work they undertake. Imagine this: In a project, an output product is created according to the following steps:

  1. Creator studies input, visualizes products and creates products based on the creator's understanding when researching the input and quality requirements of output products.
  2. After the creator creates the product and confirms that the product is ready for review, the reviewer will check the quality of the product based on the input and the quality requirements of the product.
  3. Creator studies comments, based on input and quality requirements, the creator will process (fix / not fix, explain why) comments and reply to the reviewer.
  4. Reviewer reviews how to handle the comment of the creator until all comments are closed.

How will each role in the above 4 steps be responsible for the quality they create? My answer is as follows

  1. In this step, the creator needs to study the input and answer the question: Have I understood the input yet? Can I turn this input into descriptions in my output product? Is there any part I have not understood the input yet? Next, the creator needs to understand the quality requirements of the output product by answering the questions: Have I understood how the output product needs to be described? Do I need further guidance to be able to create good products? If you are worried if you want to make good quality products, but slow down the project schedule, frankly share with your worried PM / TL, because you will eventually realize that if your product making too many errors, the time you have to fix comments from the reviewer sometimes even exceeds the time for you to do the product right from the beginning.
  2. At this step, the first thing the reviewer asks and answers immediately: Am I qualified to review this product? If the answer is no, report immediately to the PM / TL so they can find someone else, remember the "too late, too late" sentence, overwork yourself will only be harmful (for yourself and others) . If the answer is yes, because the goal of review is to find out the reasonableness of the output product against the input and the quality requirements of that product, please indicate as many unreasonable points as possible, don't be afraid Ask questions in situations where you confuse, all questions in the review process should be recorded for processing, do not ignore any details, and encourage criteria for quality reviewers to watch Product review was written into a review checklist. The most important requirement when reviewing is concentration, so if online review (peer review / TL review), please complete it before turning horizontal to other tasks, but if offline review (group review), please book decent room to perform. By the way, regarding the review group, I would like to share the best practice of one of the embedded field first ODC (PSC) which is the Training-on-job calculation when doing this activity very high, as evidenced by me – from one an outsider – after 1.5 years of hard work joining the review group, I can now confidently read the ADD document of a basic embedded system like photo encode-decode system, audio processing system, …
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3. In this step, the creator needs to browse each comment / question of the reviewer and give a satisfactory processing. Do not hesitate to ask questions when you do not understand the reviewer's comment, do not worry because it is a fix bug, do not try to fix comments when you do not understand how to fix, ask back the reviewer / TL / PM your things unknown It is your responsibility to provide output products that are of good quality, so handle all the comments, even the errors that you discover in addition to the comments are also handled. One more essential, think again why are you going to appear these comments, if you do not know yet but do wrong, ask PM training for you, if you misunderstand it, you have done wrong according to your understanding. you, try to discuss more with the brothers in the project, and try not to have to keep the deadline, to increase productivity and to be reckless, do not think, remember the phrase "Slow turtle is better than rabbit" …

4. In this step, reviewer confirms each creator answer for each comment / question, do not hesitate to reject the wrong handling, use the facing method to exchange the unknown / unclear issues instead of mail. go back more than 3 times for the same problem. Finally, before concluding that the creator's product meets the quality requirements, the reviewer should review its review list to see if any issues have not yet been reviewed, if it is OK, then send the email to confirm officially. This is a product that has been passed through your review. You may be tired of my theory here, but I believe if you are responsible for your work / self, the small things above will create the quality of your work. Remember that each person just needs to do his or her job well, the overall work quality of the group has been greatly improved. Do not believe, try it.

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