
When to use Inject, Provides, Binds in Hilt

In this article, I will go straight to explaining how to use the @Inject , @Provides and @Binds annotations. So skip the explanation of Dependency Injection or the introduction to Hilt . Looks like everyone already knows how to use it. Let’s fight!!!


We have 3 commonly used annotations to inject objects in Hilt:

  • @Inject : annotation used in the constructor of the class
  • @Provides : annatation used in Module
  • @Binds : another annatation also used in Module

The question is when to use these guys?


We use the @Inject annotation in all constructors that we need to inject objects, from ViewModel , Repository to DataSource . For example:

This makes it easier to inject ProfileRepository into other classes, such as ViewModel or UseCase . However, we can only use this annotation to annotate the constructor of the classes we define ourselves.


So to overcome the above weakness, inject objects of classes that we do not define (eg Retrofit , OkHttpClient or Room database), we come to @Provides . First, we need to create a @Module to contain the dependencies with the @Provides annotation. For example:

Because Retrofit initializes the object not our code define, and also initializes according to the Builder pattern, we cannot use @Inject annotation but must use @Provides . Now, we can inject the object of the ApiService interface anywhere.


For the interface, we cannot use @Inject annotation, because it does not have a constructor function. However, if you have an interface that has only one implementation (a class that implements that interface), then you can use @Binds to inject that interface. Injecting interfaces instead of classes is a good practice, making it easier to test.

Going back to the ProfileRepository in the @Inject section, we’ll turn it into an interface, and create a class that implements that interface. For example:

The advantage of using @Binds instead of @Provides is that it reduces the amount of code generated, like the Module Factory class. Here you can find yourself still using @Inject , because the constructor function of ProfileRepositoryImpl still needs some parameters.


So to sum it up

  • Use @Inject for your code
  • Use @Provides for 3rd party code
  • Use @Binds for the inject interface, reducing unnecessary code


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