
What is SCSS? Difference between SCSS and CSS

Levels that can be learned:

  • 30 minutes reading the docs can find out

Is it necessary:


Advantages :

  • Managing css has never been this easy
  • Ease of maintenance, project expansion
  • Easy teamwork, avoid code conflicts
  • Code 10000% faster

Defect :

  • Need dev to have experience to build a reasonable structure (fix = how to get on github from another dev)
  • Encounter some cases that should not be when coding

Let’s start !!

  1. Goals ?
  2. What is SCSS?
  3. The use it in real project

1. Target set

[*] This article is intended to introduce SCSS to beginners, so in this article, I will limit mentioning the code, but only share my sharing about how I use SCSS. Gets go!!


Link to the homepage:

[*] Scss is the precompiler that turns your code into CSS . Thanks to this it makes SCSS much more powerful than CSS

[*] You can imagine :

  • CSS: CSS wallet is a gem you will sell to customers, your code on css is like not going through a machine, but you directly override that stone and edit it, it’s okay to be beautiful but it’s okay to be ugly..
  • SCSS : And SCSS is like a chassis you build to edit that gem in the most beautiful way when it comes to the product.

[*] If you find it difficult to understand, let me give you an example 

Oh ! according to the above example you can see when you write SCSS it will automatically generate a CSS file for us and we use it but wait is it on SCSS we can do addition

3.How to use SCSS in the project

[*] Depending on the case, we will have different uses such as using SCSS with HTML/JS, in ReactJS/VueJS

In the next article, I will introduce you to the SCSS file structure so that you can pull it back and use it in the best possible way.


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