
What is inside async / await?

You can work with Javascript as a functional programming language. If you do not like it, you can also build your application object-oriented also with JavaScript. Perhaps it is for this reason that the JavaScript syntax itself contains a lot of syntactic sugar.

Syntactic sugar

Understanding simple syntactic sugar can be considered as a syntax to help you write code faster or just to fit and closer to a certain programming style that you choose. To give an example of this, we will look at ways to create an object in JavaScript. If you’re a fan of functions, this might be your option:

But if you are an OOP lover, don’t worry because you can still do what you want:

The two writing styles are completely different but give the same results and that can be considered as a syntactic sugar. As you know, in JavaScript there is no class concept, all you see really looks like the syntax of an object-oriented language like Java, C # … but what is hidden beneath What is still ubiquitous in JavaScript is the function. If you are still wondering:

Why did I mention syntactic sugar, which sounds like nothing to do with the title of the post? But don’t be in a hurry because before going to async / await we will have to find out about something else that sounds even more unrelated. That is the generator function.

Generator Function

With a normal function, the code inside it will be run sequentially, when the last line of code is executed, at the same time that function ends. A generator function is different, it can run many times, rather it can run and then pause but then run again. Let’s take a look at the example below to see the difference:

This is a normal function and if you try to run that code on your browser, it probably won’t take long for your browser to freeze and sometimes you can’t even turn it off. But with a generator function:

As you can see, the syntax of a generator function is nothing special except the * and yield keyword. And there won’t be any problems with your browser if the above code is run because when you call a genarator function, what you get is just a Generator Object.

So what is this object special:

This is exactly how a genarator works. Each time you call the next function, the generator will be executed, when met yield keyword it will return an object containing two properties:

  • value: The value to the right of yield is returned
  • done: The status of the generator, if it is true it means that the generator has finished running, otherwise it is false

The generator will now go into hibernation, it waits until it is called again. Returning to the example above, we have an infinite while loop and a variable i whose value is incremented after each loop. The problem is that we never fall into that infinite loop, but only after calling , a new loop is executed. So somehow, the value of i is saved and will increase after each call. In this case, that value will increase indefinitely and we will never see the Finish loop...! printed to the screen.

In another example:

As you can see, the next function can take a value and this value will then be assigned to yield . Thus, you can see, yield throws the value to its right and receives the value passed from next .

In a nutshell, the difference between a genarator function and a normal function is that it can pause the execution and then execute it again, returning different results at different times.

Async / await

Before getting to the main point, let’s see what the following two code snippets have in common:

  • Async Function

  • Genarator Function

Looking at this we will see async seems to be a function* and await could be yield . So async/await is it a syntactic sugar and behind that shell is Genarator Function? The best way to get an answer is to use a genarator function and make it act like an async function.

The ideas and functions of the above function are:

  • Get into a genarator function.
  • Generate generator object from that genarator function.
  • Call next on generator object until done status is true
  • Because the yield value is a promise, the value passed to next will be the value of the previous next call.

Now it’s time for us to check the results:

  • Run Async

  • Run Genarator

Certainly, there will be no difference when we execute the two pieces of code above.


There are lots of interesting things in Javascript, but sometimes it can make you unable to understand what’s going on. But most likely, your problem is not quite as complex as you think it is, but merely a variation of something that is so familiar to you. Like promises or async / await, they are not something new that we already know, except that they are cleverly hidden by JavaScript underneath that neat cover.

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