
What is DevOps? Is it a culture?

First, we must determine that there will be no definitive answer. However, there are many opinions about what is contained in the term DevOps. Is it a culture? Is it a job title? Is it a way of organizing? Or is it just a way of thinking? We think it is a movement that is still growing so we should not be stuck in limiting it too much right now. Instead, we can talk about some of the popular topics, as well as tools and ideas.

Born from the need to improve the ability to deliver IT services quickly, the DevOps movement emphasizes communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and IT operations. Instead of seeing these two groups always go together but don't really work together, DevOps recognizes the interdependence of software development and IT operation and helps an organization produce software and translations. IT service more quickly, with frequent repetition.

Perfect Storm happened in 2009

A perfect storm converging methods with many common points including Agile, Operations Management (Systems Thinking & Dynamics), Theory of Constraints, LEAN and IT Service Management appeared together in 2009 through conferences and sessions. Talk and on Twitter (#devops) are debated on a worldwide scale that eventually became the philosophy behind DevOps.

The method of developing Agile software to open the way, changing from the waterfall-type software development method (waterfall) towards a continuous development cycle. But it still does not include the operation face so while development can be continuous, but the deployment still follows the waterfall direction (waterfall).

In a DevOps environment, cross-functional, shared responsibility and trust are enhanced. DevOps is an extension of the Agile movement's continuous development goals for continuous integration and release. To accommodate the continuous release, DevOps encourages automation of change, configuration and release processes.

Modern applications in and out of the cloud

DevOps found initial traction in many major cloud service providers. With modern applications running in the cloud, most of what used to be considered infrastructure is now part of the code. Large WebOps like Google, Amazon, Twitter and Etsy are known to be deployed multiple times a day. To deploy regularly, you have to make sure that you will not ruin what has worked before. DevOps helps ensure regular deployment with a very low failure rate.

Companies of all sizes are beginning to implement DevOps practices, in a 2012 Puppet Labs and IT Revolution Press survey showing that 63% of more than 4,000 companies are executing the DevOps practice. And many small companies, especially startups, have "made DevOps" without calling it DevOps for a long time.

DevOps tools

The Agile manifesto emphasizes individuals and interactions through processes and tools, but DevOps also emphasizes collaboration and integration, and also looks at automation tools to take advantage of one Programmable and dynamic infrastructure from the perspective of the product life cycle. Version control and automatic code deployment are two of the most popular and influential tools, but there are many other issues including configuration management, ticket systems, tracking and projecting. room.

Why need DevOps?

The benefits of DevOps are numerous, including:

ITZone via Techmaster

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