
What is Bootstrap? Beginner’s guide

Are you a developer who is tired of rewriting CSS syntax over and over? That’s a very good reason to start using Bootstrap. This article will explain what Bootstrap is and cover the benefits of using a web framework, as well as how to properly embed it in your project.

What is Bootstrap?

You are probably already familiar with what frameworks do. It brings together certain task-specific syntax in a collection to help web developers build websites much faster, as they don’t have to worry about basic commands and functions.

The front-end framework is open source, originally built by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton for faster and easier front-end web programming.

It contains all HTML and CSS based design templates with many different functions and elements, like grid, carousel, button, modal, …

While Bootstrap saves a developer time from having to manage templates over and over, its main goal is to create responsive websites. It allows the website’s user interface to work optimally on any screen size, on small screen phones or large screen desktops.

Therefore, developers no longer need to build device-specific websites and are restricted to audience.

Bootstrap 3 main files


Bootstrap.css is a CSS framework that organizes and manages the layout of web pages. While HTML handles the content and structure of the website, CSS handles the layout of the website. For that reason, both constructs need to coexist in order to perform a particular action.

Due to its functions, CSS allows you to create a consistent look and feel across as many websites as you want. With CSS, all you need to do is introduce web pages to the CSS file. Any necessary changes can be made in that file.


This file is the core of Bootstrap. It contains the JavaScript files that are responsible for the web page’s interaction.

In order to save time when writing JavaScript syntax over and over again, developers tend to use jQuery. It has a popular, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript library that allows you to add various functions to a web page.

Although Bootstrap with CSS properties and HTML elements can work fine, it needs jQuery to generate responsive design. If not, you can just use static parts of CSS.


Icons are an integral part of a website’s interface. They are often associated with certain actions and data in the user interface. Bootstrap uses Glyphicons to fulfill that need.

Bootstrap includes a set of Halflings Glyphicons that have been unlocked for free use. The free version has a standard interface but is suitable for essential functions.


Bootstrap is a free front-end framework that is increasingly popular among front-end developers. Developers can easily use and save a lot of time by not having to write code manually.

This framework is also very flexible and can meet almost any web front end development need. Its best capabilities include, but are not limited to, responsive web optimization across all screen sizes.

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