
What if you tried playing games on the cheapest Mac Pro version that cost $ 6,000?

Historically gamers have always whispered that: Macs were not born to play games. If you want to buy a gaming computer, you can install a PC or buy a Gaming Laptop for a much cheaper price than buying a Mac in most cases.

But, suppose, you need a Mac Pro to work, and want to take advantage of that machine to play entertaining games in your free time? With the cheapest version of Mac Pro also costing $ 6000, then this machine must be able to run some new games out?

The answer, as we can see in the video below by Snazzy Labs, is no.

Can you play games on a $ 6000 Mac Pro?

The $ 6000 version of the Mac Pro comes with a Radeon Pro 580X graphics chip, a great option for video editing. However, for games, this chip is very bad. Experimenting with the “optimized for Mac” version of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider game, we got an average FPS of 28 FPS – a disappointing result for an API optimized game. Metal

So, if you want to play games on Mac Pro, of course you will have to spend more money to upgrade the graphics card for the machine. The Mac Pro has 8 PCIe slots, so you can plug in a gaming graphics card if you want to play a game, such as a GTX 1080. Right?

The Mac Pro has 8 PCIe slots, but the Catalina operating system does not support NVIDIA’s VGA

Sorry, the answer is no again. The Mac Pro uses the MacOS Catalina operating system, and this operating system does not support graphics cards from the NVIDIA blue team. Instead, you will have to use AMD graphics cards.

In general, old Mac computers are still not born for gaming, and the $ 6000 Mac Pro is no exception. So if you have $ 6000 to buy a Mac for gaming (rather than work), the better option is probably to buy a great PC for that money. Or buy all kinds of Console / Handheld devices on the market today, and maybe you still have quite a bit more to buy games.

But if you absolutely must use Apple gear, then you can wait a little longer, when Apple has revealed a gaming Mac for $ 5,000, will be released in 2020.

According to the Cult of mac

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