
What if Spotify, YouTube “are in anime shape?

Born in the Internet age, but at the core of Instagram, Spotify, YouTube or online services are all rooted in the age of analog technology.

With this idea, artist Sheng Lam (United Kingdom) has designed an anime-style set of pictures that illustrate how popular services look like anime style, such as the iconic Polaroid film camera for Instagram, the top VHS YouTube tape, Spotify cassette machine … Phasebook floppy (Facebook).
According to The Verge , due to copyright reasons, Sheng Lam cannot record the exact name of each service in the image but only uses the same name as SoundKloud (SoundCloud) or YooTube (YouTube) … or Potify cassette (Spotify) machine.
Telegraph system by morse code (Twitter). It is extremely interesting if several decades ago we had Spotify, YouTube or Netflix in these forms.
VHS YooTube tape player (YouTube).
Music player with CD SoundKloud (SoundCloud).
Camera Polaroid Instogram (Instagram). Photo: Sheng Lam .
CRT Netflex TV (Netflix). You can view the full high-resolution photos here , or see the printout here .
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