Use Java library from Nexus Repository library

Tram Ho

In the previous post, I have instructions to push test institutes to Nexus servers

As I said before, this library is hosted on your server, only you will know. By itself, the maven will not be able to know where to download it. When you run it, the system will report an error

You need to declare so Maven can know the repository information you are using.

As you can see on the image below, the current status of Anonymous Access is off, meaning that users must be authorized to use this library (secure repository).

In the repository section, the maven-public has type group , it’s a collection of maven-releases and maven-snapshots

So the url will take the url of the maven public as shown above

All declaration information will be placed in settings.xml

When building maven will find the repository and download the library for you.

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Source : Viblo