
[Updating] The story of rain on Scalable Social Network

In the evening of December 9, 2016, Topdev Techtalk event # 53: Design a Scalable Social Network took place in the pouring rain of the late winter days. It seems that this is a good sign for a night of explosive events with countless useful knowledge and a series of questions and answers.

That's right, VNG Corp's Head of Game Backend & Cloud's Head of Game Backend has brought an impressive presentation with practical content around social network. He mentioned 9 issues when designing scalable social network based on the case study of building Zingme social network. Mr. Thanh led to a new and convincing solution, replacing traditional solutions to achieve the ultimate goal of optimizing bulky systems with millions of users, hundreds of thousands of dong requests. time

Participants filled the auditorium of Hoa Sen University

Q&A is exciting with many questions around 9 scalable social network issues

In particular, the Q&A part has been extremely exciting, partly from high-content content that many programmers are doing the web or are interested in learning the web, partly because of the enthusiasm The speaker's reply. They all got together to close Topdev Techtalk's Scalable Social Network # 53 between Saigon's bustling rain.

Audiences linger on the event until the end of the hour

Source: ITZone via Topdev

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