
Unique Pokémon new version: Play by going to sleep

At the recent Pokemon Day event, The Pokemon Company announced the first details about Pokémon Sleep – a game played by going to sleep. The better the quality of sleep, the more valuable items you will collect in the game.

Specifically, Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracker where you can interact with Pokemon by getting a good night’s sleep.

Pokemon Sleep is a sleep tracker that allows you to interact with the Pokemon in the app by going to sleep

To be able to track sleep, all you need is a Pokémon GO Plus+ device. The device is like a smartwatch, but instead of wearing it on our hands to track it, we put it next to us when we sleep, press the button and just sleep.

Pokémon GO Plus + can also play soothing tunes to help us fall asleep easier. The company also says the device will also be compatible with Pokémon Go, which users can use to go catch Pokémon.

When you put the device next to your pillow while sleeping, your sleep will be measured and analyzed by the game with 3 states, including: Dozing, short sleep (Snoozing) and deep sleep (Slumbering).

To be able to track sleep in the game, you need a special device, Pokémon Go Plus +

Pokémon GO Plus + can also play soothing melodies to help us fall asleep easier

Depending on your sleep pattern, you will attract different species of Pokemon. The more you play, the more Pokemon you will see coming to you, and each category will have different sleep patterns such as sleeping with one eye open, sleeping with eyelids closed or deep sleep.

The setting of Pokémon Sleep takes place on a small island with the participation of Snorlax (a type of Pokémon that only sleeps) and a Pokémon sleep researcher named Dr. Neroli.

The mascot of the game will be a Snorlax that only eats and sleeps, and like every other Pokemon version, you will also interact with a doctor, namely Dr. Naroli – a sleep specialist. of Pokemon.

Your sleep will be divided into 3 categories: light sleep, short sleep and deep sleep

The purpose of this game is to encourage players to rest on time to collect more new Pokemon. The better you sleep, the more likely you will get rare Pokemon!

Pokémon Sleep is developed by Select Button and published by The Pokémon Company, the unit that released the Pokémon GO game that once caused a worldwide fever. Pokémon Sleep was originally slated to release in 2020, but has since been pushed back until recently.

Pokémon Sleep is slated to launch on both iOS and Android. But The Pokémon Company has not announced an official release date for this game.

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