
Try the grocery shopping service from Grab, Now, Be and VinMart: Sitting at home and pressing the phone is delivered to the place, which is good but there are many things to improve

The model of household shopping services is not new, but at the time of dangerous epidemics, it has started to be noticed and expanded. Previously, there was Now and Vinmart opened a service to buy groceries (Now Fresh and Scan & Go), basically the same as buying goods or food online, but also comes with special offers and discounts. interesting.

Recently, there have been two more grocery shopping services from Grab and Be, called Grab Mart and Be Shopping, also emphasizing the convenience for users, without having to leave the house and still buy enough supplies. Products.

So, how are these 4 services better than losing at each other? WeBuy tried ordering and here are the experiences and comparisons:

Grab Mart

In short, Grab Mart is still in beta so it is still very sketchy. This service is advertised as only available in the city. Ho Chi Minh City, and when opened, there were only more than a dozen small shops and supermarkets. The items are mostly food, water, vegetables and clean fruits.

Called "Department store" but the truth is only "Decentralized" now.

In Hanoi, you can already access the Grab Mart section in the Grab app and place orders, but the number of affiliated stores is even less. The number is still increasing day by day, but obviously not comparable with Now Fresh or Scan & Go.

Currently, Grab Mart is still testing, so the number of stores and items is very limited.

The rest of the experience is no different than ordering food. Grab also recently opened the service, so it included a few freeship codes for the first orders, but the limited number of stores did not attract users, at least for now. .

Be going to the market

The Be Be shopping service has just been launched in early March, but now works in many provinces and cities across the country. The reason Be is able to deploy so quickly is because they do not need to associate with the stores, do not need to order menus.

Tiny Market button in the Be app, otherwise you may not see it sometimes.

Be simply allow users to "borrow" the driver to the market literally. You will be given the choice of where to buy things (big and small supermarkets, grocery stores and more), type the list of items to buy and the quantity, then press the order form and wait for the delivery shipper.

This method is also good because it can be deployed immediately in any locality without changing the data system. However, it will take you a long time to type enough and the right item to buy into the application, and if you want to buy a lot of things, it is really frustrating. Should be added to the upload image / item list feature to increase accuracy / simplicity for both users and shipper. Not to mention shipper buying the wrong product, choosing the wrong kind … and you will hardly be able to request a refund or exchange as you like.

Be's service can be considered as "household market" literally.

The remaining experience is still the same as when delivered by Be, but the waiting time depends very much on the number of items and the speed of picking and shipper, usually it can be up to an hour. .

Now Fresh

Because it has been implemented for a long time, Now Fresh has advantages in the number of linked products / stores. The process of picking things is as simple and easy as ordering food. However, Now Fresh only focuses on foods and drinks, not other items such as housewares and personal items, etc.

Now Fresh focuses strongly on food items, fresh food, drinking water … but not utensils.

Currently, Now Fresh is only associated with small shops and supermarkets, not Big C or Vinmart. In return, the plus point is that orders are sent straight to the seller, reducing waiting time, picking items. If anything happens, it is easier to resolve because there is full purchase information in the application.

VinID goes to the market

Divided into the function Go Market, add a tag "new" but actually only "old wine new bottles".

Although Vinmart has just announced that this service is new, it is still a Scan & Go feature that has been launched for a long time on the VinID application. The plus point of this service is that there are many items, almost everything that you can normally buy at Vinmart supermarkets. In addition, the app also has more deals, promotions and discounted items, or you can choose to order in advance and schedule a trip to the supermarket to pick up items without having to wait for the shipper to deliver.

The plus point of Scan & Go is the full range of items, not just food, drinks or canned foods.

The minus point of Scan & Go is that it will take a long time for delivery, usually up to 1-2 hours, even longer if you book during peak hours because the number of employees / shipper of Vinmart is very limited. . Even recently, there have been cases where Vinmart's customers "requested" to cancel the application if they cannot wait. If you want to use Scan & Go, it is best to order during the off-peak hours or buy 1-2 days in advance so that the order can be processed better, avoiding the situation of rice time and still food has not arrived.

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