
Top 8 future Web application development trends

The topics I share in this article are not new technologies. They have been around for a long time and are showing signs of rapid growth in recent years.

1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Launched in 2015 and according to Wikipedia: Progressive Web Apps are web applications that are uploaded and work like regular websites or websites, but it also provides users with features such as: working offline (works without internet), push notifications (send and receive notifications), and access the device’s hardware, which is usually only possible with native applications.

Some examples of Progressive Web Apps today: Tinder, Ola, Trivago, 9GAG, Alibaba, Aliexpress, 5 Miles,….

PWARoom source

PWA is a web standard that makes users feel like using a native mobile application. And more specifically, users do not need to download and install it from the app-store or play-store.

There have been a lot of big companies at the forefront of building Progressive Web Apps, and it has helped them gain access and significant customer base. Therefore, in the coming years, PWA web applications will become more popular.

You can learn more about Progressive Web Apps here

2. Push Notifications
One of the web development trends in recent years is website notifications.

Push notifications help your website interact with users more. They can receive notifications from your website such as promotions, discounts, announcements about new products, … You can drag users to your website more and more often thanks to the information. newspaper.

When visiting a website, you will see a request from a web browser like this:

If users for the web receive notifications from facebook. So from now on whenever your friends post new statuses, have any comments related to you, or if anyone texts you, you will receive an instant notification (in fact, a few seconds late. ) even though you didn’t open facebook on your computer or on your mobile device at the time.

The great thing is that with the PWA web applications as mentioned above, Push Notification is quite rare, it helps to feel like users are using a native mobile app, they do not need to visit the website but still have it. receive notifications from the website for which they had prior permission to receive notifications.

Push Notification demo

3. Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Chatbot is a computer program that allows text-based conversations or calls. Chatbots are often used to create a dialog box with customers as a means of providing information or customer support.

Most chatbots are accessed through virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa, via messaging apps like Facebook Messenger or through apps and websites of individual organizations.

Because of their effectiveness, chatbots are giving impetus to organizations developing their customer service strategies.

Imagine someday when the AI ​​Chatbots are smart enough to be able to communicate and guide their customers automatically and like an online customer service. With a chatbot, they have quick access to the services and information that customers are interested in.

AI Chatbot

Chatbots are still very much on the rise in popularity and usage, and are expected to be mainstream for another year or two. Because of this, now would be the best time to take advantage of this budding technology. Your customers will really appreciate increased service and easy access to information.

4. Blockchain Technology
Referring to Blockchain, many of you will probably think of “Bitcoin” immediately. A huge explosion in 2018. At that time on Telegram group chat, it was often seen: “go to the moon”, “hold to die” types. Finally, “go to the hell”, it really hurt. Well, “everyone has a dream dream to embrace”.


Blockchain technology opens a new trend for fields such as banking and finance, logistics, electronics and telecommunications, accounting and auditing, etc.

Not only that, Blockchain is also the core of the Internet of Things (IoT). Electronic devices can communicate safely and transparently, nefarious efforts in the Internet world will not be possible, and much more …

Currently, many large companies and corporations are building their own Blockchain network. So we will soon see that this could create a wave for the future.

5. Single page sites
Traditionally, websites created with each topic have its own page. For many websites, this makes perfect sense because it allows content to be grouped in logical blocks. However, over time and the development of web applications people find that more and more people access the web on mobile devices rather than on computers.

With this increase in mobile web browsing, many websites are turning to single page designs, allowing mobile users to easily scroll through content.

Source electricsilk

Minimal design and fast loading times are the trend that will not disappear soon. Because single pages load very quickly on mobile devices, they are preferred by search engines on multi-page sites … and they are convenient for customers to access the site.

6. Static websites
For websites that don’t need a lot of bells and whistles, such as a website that only presents information, returning to basic HTML design can be a smart choice. This type of site loads at lightning speed.

Designers today are using static website builders to test many different concepts. Sites like Jekyll allow users to try static designs.

7. Typography
Typography is a clever combination of art between typefaces, point size, line length, leading (line spacing), letter-spacing (tracking). To give the viewer the most readable, prominent content, and convey the designer’s intent to the reader.

Typography design is a fairly popular art trend in recent times when the development of online marketing activities, online marketing campaigns, beautiful designs and images became important factors. , a new form of expression for regular letters.

In this context, Typography is a perfect solution to express, transform quality content into commercialized products that can attract more readers, more attraction and of course increase interaction. more in traditional marketing activities.


8. Cyber ​​security
Cyber ​​security is primarily focused on protecting systems, networks and data from cyber attacks. Effective cybersecurity reduces the risk of network attacks and protects organizations and individuals from unauthorized exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.

Source Quora

Hopefully, the above information will help web developers like you begin to prepare and plan to develop web applications that are in line with the future trends.

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