
Top 10 Design Patterns in JavaScript

Today, I will introduce a popular design pattern that I used at work. In the future, we plan to publish a series of specific articles about each design pattern.

Singleton pattern

This pattern creates a single instance of a class and provides a global access point to it. This is useful when you need to ensure that there is only one particular object in your application.

Factory pattern

This pattern creates objects based on a common interface without specifying a concrete object class. This is useful when you need to create objects belonging to a particular family, but don’t want to specify the specific object type at runtime.

Observer pattern

This pattern is an observation of an object (subject) by one or more other objects (observers). Observers are notified when the subject’s state changes. This is useful for decoupling logic in different parts of your application and allowing you to react to subject state changes.

Prototype pattern

This pattern creates new objects by copying existing objects (prototypes). This is useful when you want to create a new object similar to an existing one, but need to identify all object structures from scratch.

Builder pattern

This pattern creates objects (builders) that are used to build other objects (products). This is useful when you want to create complex objects that require multiple steps or have many customization options.

Adapter pattern

This pattern creates adapter objects that are used to adapt one interface to another. This is useful when you want to use an existing object with a specific interface, but need to use it in a context that expects a different interface.

decorator pattern

This pattern adds new behavior to existing objects with decorator objects. This is useful when you want to add new behavior to an object without changing existing code.

Facade pattern

This pattern creates a simple interface that hides the complexity of large systems. This is useful when users want to provide a simple interface to a complex system without worrying about the underlying details.

command pattern

This pattern creates objects that represent actions or operations. This is useful for allowing flexible ways of specifying, queuing, and executing.

Template method pattern

The pattern is to have a base class define the skeleton of an algorithm and have subclasses provide implementations of specific steps. This is useful when you want to define the overall structure of your algorithm, but allow subclasses to customize specific parts.


In future articles, I will go into more detail about the design patterns introduced in this article.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new.

Thank you very much. See you in the next article!

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