
This special wearable can boost your productivity with brain analysis and focus

Two engineers at Neurosity have designed a special wearable EEG device called the Crown. Its main use is to analyze frontal lobe activity and help them maintain focus and increase productivity through the effects of music.

It can measure and analyze the wearer’s brainwaves with the help of eight EEG sensors.

EEG is one of the most widely used non-invasive techniques for measuring nerve activity. This technology basically records the electrical activity of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp.

Depending on brain signals, the device plays specially selected tracks to enhance focus.

Because focus is regulated by the frontal lobe of the brain, Crown focuses on this area of ​​the brain. The device is connected to the Neurosity Shift app and linked to the wearer’s Spotify account so that music can be played from the digital music store.

So the Crown is essentially a brain-readable music player. The device analyzes the user’s brain waves and then plays the most suitable music to maintain their highest concentration state.

As Yanko Design pointed out, Crown is similar to the company’s previous brainwave transmitter called Notion 2. This is mainly used to minimize distractions by automatically muting notifications or music. ringer on the device.

To help users eliminate procrastination, Crown sends out a report card showing their most focused moments and the times when they were most distracted.

Buyers of the device are also not too concerned as Crown will not store any of the user’s brainwaves in order to sell them to third parties.

Introduction to the brain wave reader and concentration enhancement Crown

See InterestingEngineering

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