
Things I learned when writing lib with Rust

Last week, I had to write a wrapper to the Facebook Accountkit api with Rust , this is the first time I wrote a lib so I chose this simple one with only 4 endpoints, 3 GET and 1 DELETE via url, there are not many require, so pretty Simple for anyone to practice writing lib like me. Thought is simple, but when the gas works, there are many problems, not as simple as other languages javascript , php , ruby , …

Every task is simple until you start doing it. Even when writing articles

Select & str or String

If other languages ​​you can arbitrarily type String into, but in Rust will distinguish & str is a string slices (fixed wool) and String a UTF-8 encoded, growable string, you can append a str or a char on any String , and with fixed len str do, you can't append it, it is more widely known that if you type String when you append to String , there will be realloccation String , it doesn't sound like it good

The string that gives us a function is with_capacity

With the with_capacity function , there is no reallocation process until the capacity that exceeds the value we declare here is 20 .

So choose what type to use now & str or String , which depends on your purpose, if you don't want the inheritance of params to be used, then type & str , if you want to be owner of params, you should use String type. however, it would be better if we knew what String 's string we used to use with with_capacity would be much better.

So I don't want to use anything like that, I don't want to use it all, there's a reason.

Functions can receive multiple data types

This helps our function become more generic, also partly limiting the error that occurs if the wrong type of transmission. It's a little confusing to get an example.

I declare appsecret_proof property is Option <str> , consider the impl case of AccountKit instead of selecting generic type S, here I fix a bit

If the above case, we can only pass into Option , if passed in type & str, then fail right, the function to come here can be fine. However, when we expand, we want to transmit type & str or Option , the non- generic function does not meet our requirements.

Going back to the generic function above, why is it so easy to do so since simply the 1.12 rust version has a small feature.

Option implements From for its contained type

We can convert from type & str to Option <& str> if there is one

implement from & str for Option <& str> , then check in trait From to see if it is available? Very lucky to implement that

So from version 1.12 , when the function of hcungs is more flexible than the input type. For example

Error handling

Usually we can handle errors with if and else , or even use unwrap . If you use unwrap , it is only suitable for the code you want to quick test, and production should not be used because it has panic to crash the running program, and if , else if the code is long, it will make us uncontrollable enough.

Another way is to use try macros ! , when you try! then it is imperative that we declare the error type returned, because we try it ourselves ! will return to the error and be caught in our previous error declaration. And try! used with functions whose return type is Result .

Like implement below

Ignore other things to pay attention to AccountKitError , this is an enum that gathers all the errors we define ourselves.

Like declaring anything, declare here, in this case they manually redefine the error in our lib but based on the error was processed in third party.

When using try! then it will automatically return to the correct case of our error like the try! example (Url :: parse (self.url ())) it will return enum AccountKitError :: UrlError (ParseError) to see the error details are What we need implements 2 trait fmt :: Display and convert :: From

If there's another case of error, we just need to declare what kind of error we have.

Also with the above case we can code in style

However when compared to this code with the use of try! everyone chose try! because it is short and flexible in returning Error


Code Rust is quite interesting, has to think a lot and make a lot of choices, but when you have the code you will love it. Also you can try this rust-accountkit lib and if you contribute it it would be great.

ITZone via kipalog

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