
The village in India has a third of the population quitting to be a YouTuber

According to Oddity Central (UK), as online video platforms become more and more popular, it is not surprising that millions of people around the world are working to build a career in the field of content creation. In particular, the village of Tulsi, a small rural area in the state of Chhattisgarh, has a third of the 3,000 locals, actively making videos and posting on the YouTube platform for profit.

Many of them used to be farmers, but after hearing that the income of some people in the village had doubled, even tripled, from making YouTube videos, they decided to change careers.

Photo: OC

India’s YouTube village emerged from the startup story of two friends, Gyanendra Shukla and Jai Verma. They have, in turn, left their jobs as network engineers and teachers to pursue a career in creating content on YouTube. Before long, they began to earn a fair amount of money from their new endeavor. Their success story has spread throughout the village, inspiring many to pursue their passion.

Shukla told ANI news agency: “Before that, I worked as a network engineer at SBI. My office has high speed Internet and I often go to YouTube to watch videos there. I especially love movies. In 2011 – 2012, a new version of YouTube was released. At that time, channels on YouTube were very limited. I was not satisfied with the job I was doing at that time, so I switched to being a YouTuber. To date, I have created about 250 videos and have 115,000 followers.

About 40% of the population in Tulsi village is engaged in making video content for platforms like YouTube, TikTok or Instagram. Among them, the youngest is 15 years old and the oldest is an 85-year-old woman. About 40 main channels are based in the village of Tulsi, with rich content ranging from comedy and music to education and self-produced content. The most popular channel with an average of over 100,000 subscribers on the Youtube platform alone.

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