
The US removed Xiaomi from the blacklist

The US has accepted to take Xiaomi off the blacklist, reversing the final policy of former President Donald Trump. After being blacklisted by the US and banned from investments, Xiaomi sued the US Government.

Recently, however, the Ministry of Defense said that the two sides “agreed a common direction to resolve this issue without the need for a controversial lawsuit.”

Previously, the Department of Defense called Xiaomi the company of the state of China, and forced all US investors to divest their holdings in Xiaomi. After Xiaomi filed a lawsuit against the US Government, a judge issued a decision to block the blacklist of Xiaomi, calling it an “arbitrary” action.

The US government did not appeal the preliminary ruling of the court.

In January, Xiaomi in an interview with The Verge and confirmed that: “The company does not own, control or have any association with the Chinese military, and is not a home company. China “.

Currently, Xiaomi and the US Department of Defense are continuing to work to reach a mutual agreement. The official proposal is likely to be announced on May 20.

Reference: theverge

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