
The rise of night owls

Waking up early in the morning, hardworking birds can catch the first worms, but in this new age, the "early worms" are no longer a guarantee of success. This is the era when night owls, often considered lazy and irresponsible, shine!

1, List of famous "night owl" clubs

Besides US President Barack Obama, there are many famous night owls in the world: Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, James Joyce, Keith Richards, Elvis Presley, …

Famous journalist Michael Lewis, author of the best-selling book "New new journalism," told his friend that he likes to work from 7 pm to 4 am, and works the night so that he won't be disturbed: No phone call, no bother, just me and pen with the challenge of work.

2. What changed the age of hardworking birds?

It all originates from the transformation of the global economy: from an industrial economy to a technology economy. In the "old" economy, working people are forced to go to the office at a certain time to perform certain tasks. This is no longer relevant to the current economy. Technology allows us to cooperate without being present, and the most important thing in work is that you can be effective – not that you always arrive at the company on time. The typical 8-hour-day work schedule is slowly disappearing and companies are gradually adapting to the flexible working hours of employees.

However, it is undeniable that the work schedule from 9am to 5pm is very beneficial for the biological clock of most people, but the modern working environment becomes more ideal for night owls. . Let's find out why.

3. Night owls with a higher IQ: A person who wakes up in the early morning is always considered to be more hardworking, but according to modern scientific studies, people who have a habit of staying up at night have only Higher IQ. Researcher Satoshi Kanazawa and colleagues at the London School of Economics found that people with higher IQs preferred to go to bed in the morning and late afternoon. Researchers have also surveyed a large number of American children and they find that children with high IQs, when they are adults, will have a much higher percentage of night owls than normal children. .

4. Higher creative night owls: Research shows that people working at night may think that with both hemispheres better at night. That trait makes night owls an extremely creative group. Swizec Teller, a veteran programmer, explains in his blog that programmers generally like to work at night because that's when they can work in the most creative way. In other words, when not distracted, night owls can immerse themselves in working thinking and become more creative.

5. They love the adventurous things: the present era is the perfect time for a person to experiment with risky things: With intense competition in both work and life, you have to be a little different. to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Fortunately for the night owls, they are inherently different, and they tend to be bigger than those who get up early. This creates a premise for them to become better entrepreneurs, or as a person who works with good strategic thinking and helps solve big problems for employers.

6. They make more money: With higher IQ, creativity and risk tolerance, night owls tend to earn higher income, according to a study at the University of Madrid. This explains why some of the most successful people are night owls, including President Obama, who often hold conferences with senior government officials at 11:00 pm. President Obama even proudly calls himself a "night owl" in an interview with Newsweek magazine. Former Google Keval Desai employees are also a night owl, telling Lydia Dishman at Fast Company in an interview. that he used to stay up all night and work and like to do highly demanding tasks when his whole family was sleeping

7. Night owls are capable of working longer: People often misunderstand that early tutors are energetic in the morning, like energetic night owls at night. However, the truth is different: early risers are full of energy continuously until the middle of the afternoon, when their ability to concentrate and their acumen is fading. This means they cannot have more vitality in the rest of the day. Night owls are different: studies show that night owls have an increase in cortical movement and excitability of the spinal cord around 9:00 pm, and they can maintain concentration. High pitch until morning.

8. They are more likely to build good social networks : Most fun events happen in the evening, and people are often too tired after work to go out to eat and drink. This is not a very big problem, but it will affect a lot if you work in an industry where your social network has a big impact on your chances of getting more work. Those who are able to update information at the earliest and connect with others in the industry are also the most successful at work.

9. Lesson

Whether you are an early riser or a night star, you should take advantage of your biological clock to work and work in the most beneficial way: with early risers, choose those work requires you to get up earlier than everyone; With night owls, choose jobs that allow flexible working time, which will make you become a healthy, happy night owl.

10. Night owl

After reading this article, how many of you have determined to turn out to be a true night owl?

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, make friends! ”Do you want an opportunity to meet and work alongside other night owls?

Huong is looking for at least 02 night shots for Overnight Production Engineering to work in Hanoi from 3 pm to 12 am from $ 2,000 to $ 3,000, fluent in English, and has experience working with large data systems. Use MySQL, C ++, Unix, Perl or Python.

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