
The pandas functions that Data Scientists often use with the 80/20 principle [Part 2]

You can read the previous part of the article here .

11.Delete column

If you want to drop one or more columns from the DataFrame, use the drop() method as shown below:

Read more here .

12. GroupBy:

If you want to perform an aggregate operation after grouping, use the groupby() method as shown below:

Read more here .

13. Unique value in column:

If you want to count or print unique values ​​in a column of DataFrame, use unique() or nunique() method as shown below:

Read more here .

14. Fill in NaN (empty) values

If you want to replace the NaN values ​​in a column with some other value, use the fillna() method as shown below:

Read more here .

15. Apply function on 1 column:

If you want to apply a function to a column, use the apply() method as shown below:

Read more here .

16. Remove duplicates:

If you want to remove duplicate values, use the dropduplicates() method as shown below:

Read more here .

17. Counting values:

If you want to find the frequency of each value in a column, use the value_counts() method as shown below:

18. Size of DataFrame:

If you want to find the size of the DataFrame, use the .shape property as shown below:

To wrap up, in this post, I’ve covered some of the most commonly used functions/methods in Pandas to get you started with this library.

Furthermore, there is no better place than to consult the official Pandas documentation available here to get a basic and practical knowledge of the different methods in Pandas. The official Pandas documentation provides a detailed explanation of each argument accepted by a function along with a practical example which is, in my opinion, a great way to gain Pandas expertise.

Thanks for reading. I hope this article was helpful.


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