
The application uses ASP.NET Core 5 + Angular 9

Install Visual Studio 2019 preview, .NET Core SDK 5

Create a new project

The first run will take quite a while, due to the need to download the libraries. Wait patiently for about 5 minutes, not the Visual Studio 2019 preview hangs. The web browser will be turned off automatically. If there is an error warning dialog box, accept it. Because the results still appear:

Some source files illustrate

File SKClientAppsrcappcountercounter.component.html

File SKClientAppsrcappcountercounter.component.ts

File SKClientAppsrcappfetch-datafetch-data.component.ts

Other source files can be viewed in the newly created project.

Update to the latest version SKClientApppackage.json

Clean project, then rebuild, so that the relevant libraries are the latest.

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