
The 86-year-old grandmother used a computer so strange that Google had to personally send a private response

Ben Eckersley's grandmother staggered the online community for her extremely cute and polite search, so that Google had to send a private letter to Grandma Ben thanking the search for the touching and touching. Sincere.

Ben Eckersley chuckled as he flipped open the laptop of his grandmother Ashworth last Thursday. Grandmother May Ashworth, 86, did not close her Google tab, so her grandson was able to see the last search she typed on Google:

"Please translate what this MCMXCVIII Roman numbers mean, thank you"

Realizing that the request was too cute, Eckersley decided to take the picture and show it off on Twitter. Unbelievably, in just a few days it has been retweets over 11,000 times and even received a direct response from Google to Ms May Ashworth.

Temporarily translate the content of her search request: "please translate what this MCMXCVIII Roman number means, thank you".
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When Ben asked his grandmother why he wrote it so politely on a Google search engine, it turned out that she thought there was a real person sitting in the Google office and answering every search query sent; And of course, she thought what she typed was very normal, if she behaved kindly and politely, her request would be met faster.
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The famous tweet finally caught the attention of Google employees, and they decided to answer her in the correct manner that she had given them:

Temporarily translated: "Dear Ben's grandmother, hope that she is fine. Of the billions of user requests, her question made us very happy.

And, the answer is 1998. Thank you. ”

This answer also received likes and retweets.

Some people also say that we need more people like her

Or: "Our society is progressing or regressing, a polite word of yours makes us think"

"I feel like sitting at a tea party in the 30s, and we will talk very politely and elegantly."

"She reminds me of my grandfather, he is very polite, so wonderful!"

"The elegance of the lady of England …"

This shows that the attitude of gratitude, politeness and respect for others is still the most wonderful behavior in this dry age. Only a polite gesture of the 1930s showed us the gentleness and elegance of people a few generations away from us.

As society becomes more and more urgent with modern life, we forget the elegant and polite gestures, which express human character and dignity. "First-class ceremony, post-study literature" is probably something that modern people are gradually forgetting.

Do not just love the good attitude of others but also everyone to show it more!

ITZone via daikynguyen

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