
The 10 GitHub repos new developers mention the most (Part 2)

6. ericelliott/essential-javascript-links

Eric Elliott’s JavaScript Links repository was for a long time the most popular resource list within the freeCodeCamp community. (It was recently dethroned by vhf/free-programming-books.)

7. d3/d3

If you want to learn d3.js, this official GitHub repository is one of the best places to start. The two areas of this repo that the freeCodeCamp mentions the most are actually inside its wiki:

* the gallery
* the tutorials

These contain excellent information, as well as list of references you can use to learn d3.js on your own.

8. vinta/awesome-python

Billed as a “curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources”, this is a great place to start if you want to get better at Python.

9. oneuijs/You-Dont-Need-jQuery

This is a well-known repository that focus on solving typical programming problems with the use of vanilla JavaScript. This repository’s rise has been closely tied with the rise of React.

10. toddmotto/public-apis

A nice and frequently updated collection public APIs. The APIs are even broken down into categories, which makes exploring them much easier.

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