
TeamViewer is attacked by Chinese hackers, any computer logged in can be controlled

Christopher Glyer, a researcher at security firm FireEye recently revealed on Twitter that TeamViewer, a remote control tool used by many users, has been hacked by a Chinese hacker group.

The security researcher further revealed that the user’s password was leaked and any computer logged into TeamViewer could be controlled by the attacker.

According to security company FireEye, the culprit behind this attack was the APT41 group. This is a group of hackers involved in many dangerous attacks, operating mainly in Asia, especially China.

Glyer said the “criminal tool” of this group of hackers is sophisticated malware variants, often developed for espionage. Therefore, it is possible that this group of hackers operates independently, without the sponsorship of any country. The target of APT41’s attack is economic, not political.

About four years ago, the web application security experts of the International Cyber ​​Security Institute (IICS) reported on TeamViewer software being hacked. According to that report, the hacker group has extracted confidential information in this TeamViewer by successfully installing a backdoor in the software. However, so far, TeamViewer has never confirmed this problem and said that the user’s password is revealed through other compromised applications.

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