
Synthesize VSCode Extensions for JavaScript


VSCode is a Text Editor, different from an IDE, Text Editor is lightweight, easy to use, easy to install, but coupled with being compact, few features are pre-installed when installing. Therefore, Extensions are built and developed by the developer community or organizations to make the development process faster and easier.

1. Walking lessons

Surely programmers, especially Javascript programmers, are no stranger to the VSCode text editor. From programming Backend NodeJs, Frontent ReactJs, App React Native or even Desktop ElectronJs, everyone uses VSCode at home. In addition to the strength of being compact, easy to use, easy to install, the biggest reason I think can only be because VSCode is free (laughs). Free but also delicious peach branches, there’s nothing to be afraid to use, right!

VSCode has a few features pre-installed by Microsoft boss, the rest, VSCode is like a blank notebook with a cover, so developers or organizations have joined hands to build extremely useful Extensions.

No more gossip, let’s go to the introduction of Extensions that are often used in projects. Gluttony!

2. Extensions

2.1. TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features

Any brother when installing VSCode and JS/TS code for the first time, but the code does not suggest any code, or just click on the function but it does not point to where the function is defined.

It’s because this Extension is not enabled yet. This extension is a built-in Extension and you just need to find it and enable it.

Note that if you only search in the Extension section, it will not appear. You need to click on the filter set (funnel image) and select built-in

2.2. Live Server

This extension helps to run html/css files with hot reload

2.3. Auto Close Tag and Auto Rename Tag

At a glance, these are just 2 small Extensions to help close and rename the tag, but it’s very useful and indispensable when coding html/jsx.

2.4. Prettier – Code formatter and ESLint

How to code standard format? How to achieve coding convention? Don’t worry, she already has 2 babies

Here are two couples that help you write clean code that is more beautiful and more accurate than the students who take exams with clean letters (laughs).

2.5. Winter is Coming Theme and vscode-icons

You are an introvert, a boring human being. Do you want to have some color on your coding career or you simply want your editor to be a bit colorful to make your code less boring (laughs).

Come to these 2 extensions, paint some color on your black and white eyes (laughs).

2.6. Code Spell Checker

If you misspell, you will be laughed at by this person, don’t feel sorry for yourself, use this extension to check for yourself when you misspelled English words.

2.7. Some other Extensions

  • Path Intellisense: suggest folder/file path
  • Color Highlight: show css color
  • Import Cost: calculate the capacity of an imported module/package
  • Bookmarks: mark lines of code to easily jump back and forth those lines of code on many different files

3. Summary

So above I have summarized some popular Extensions. In addition, if you are using any cool and useful Extensions, please comment below for you to discover! Thank you for reading

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