
String Processing in JavaScript (Part 2)

Hi guys, following the topic of string handling in JS, today I will continue to introduce methods commonly used when working with string data that devjs cannot ignore. Let’s start

11. String.prototype.split ()

As the name implies, split() splits a string into an ordered list of substring, places the substring in an array and returns the array.


12. String.prototype.substring ()

The substring() returns the part of the string between the beginning and the end of the string, or the end of the string


13. String.prototype.toString ()

The toString() returns a string representing the specified object


14. String.prototype.toLowerCase ()

The toLowerCase() returns a string converted to lowercase


15. String.prototype.toUpperCase ()

The toUpperCase() returns a toUpperCase() string

16. String.prototype.trim ()

The trim() removes spaces from both ends of a string. Whitespace in this context is all space characters (spaces, tabs, nonbreaking spaces, etc.) and all line-ending characters (LF, CR, etc.).


17. String.prototype.trimEnd ()

The trimEnd() removes spaces at the end of the string


18. String.prototype.trimStart ()

The trimStart() removes spaces at the end of the string


19. String.prototype.valueOf ()

The valueOf() returns a primitive value of a string object



Above I have introduced to you most of the common methods when manipulating String data, hoping to be useful for you in the working process.

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