
State and Props in ReactJS

Hello everyone, continue to learn about ReactJs series today, I would like to introduce to you two things I think are the most interesting of ReactJs are State and Props .

1. State

State you can simply understand is a place where you store Component data, from which you can pass data to the components in the Component and to other Components. We should minimize State as much as possible and limit the number of Components using State. For example, if there are 10 Components that need to use data from State, then instead of storing data in all 10 Components, we should create a parent component to store data of all, then state management will be easier. . You will find that effective State management is of utmost importance as your application grows larger and more complex and logic becomes more complex.

Using State

The following example will show you how to use State in ReactJs:



2. Props

The main difference between state and props is that props are immutable. That is why the parent component should define state that can change its value, while child component should only use data from parent component and cannot change its value.

Using props

When we want to assign the value of Props from the parent Component to the child Component we just need to add the properties and value when calling the child Component from the parent Component:


When calling this.props.headerProp in App , it will look for the value of the corresponding props – here is headerProp assigned in the parent component.


As we can see, the App component is assigned 2 props namely headerProp = "Header from props..." and contentProp = "Content from props..." .

Default props

You can assign a default value to props instead of having to assign a value to it from the parent Component with the defaultProps method:


This usage will also produce the same result as above.

State and Props

The following example will help you imagine how to use the basic combination of State and Props in the application. We assign a value to the state in Component and pass that value to the child Component using props. Under the child Component, getting the value of props will be the same as usual thí.props.{Tên props} .



The result will be similar to the two cases above, the only difference is that we assign a value to props from the value of state. The property of state is mutable so when you want to change the value of props you just need to change the value of state, when the value of the props in the child Component will also be changed according to the value of State .

3. Props validation

Using the validation property is a great way to validate component values. It will help avoid errors during application development and also make components more readable when it determines the usage of the components in advance.

Validating Props

In the example below, we’ll create the App component with all the props we need to use. App.propTypes is used to validate props. If one of the values ​​of props does not meet the validate condition an error message will be displayed in the console. We’ll create a default value for the props to check for the validates made. If the value of the props pass validate then its value will be displayed, otherwise an error message will be displayed in the console.



4. Component API

In this section, we will learn about React Component APi. We will discuss three methods: setState() , forceUpdate and ReactDOM.findDOMNode() . In ES6, we will use this.emthod.bind(this) in the examples below.

Set State

setState() is the method to update the value of state in the component. It won’t remove the state, it just changes its value.

Initially the value of data is an empty array. Each time the user clicks the button, the value of data is added to the new value setState... If we click three times the value of data will be: data = ["setState...", "setState...", "setState..."] .

Find Dom Node

For DOM tree manipulation, we can use the ReactDOM.findDOMNode() method. First we need to import ‘react-dom’.

Now when the user clicks on the button the element with id = “myDiv” will turn green.

5. Component Life Cycle

In this section we learn about the component’s Life Cycle.

Lifecycle methods

  • componentWillMount will be executed before the component is rendered, on both the server and client side.
  • componentDidMount will be executed when the componet is rendered on the client side only. This is where calls for AJAX requests and DOM or update state. It is also used when calling other JavaScript frameworks and delay functions such as setTimeout or setInterval .
  • componentWillReceiveProps is executed as soon as the props value is updated and before other renderings are called. We activate it from setNewNumber when the state is updated.
  • shouldComponentUpdate will return true or false . It will determine whether the component will be updated or not. Its value is set to the default value of true . If you’re sure the component doesn’t need to be re-rendered when the state or props are updated, you can return false .
  • componentWillUpdate will be called before rendering.
  • componentDidUpdate will be called after rendering.
  • componentWillUnmount will be called after unmounting the component from the DOM.

OK, for today’s post, see you all in the next post in the ReactJs series from basic to advanced.

6. References

The above article content is referenced in the ReactJs tutorial series:

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