
Startled with 9 predictions of “hit” by three CEOs Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

Jobs predicted that we will always have a “virtual assistant” to help me with everything, or the iPhone and Siri today. Gates guessed that we would have the best “smart” ads to understand every human desire. And Bezos affirms that Amazon’s success does not stop at book sales.

Steve Jobs

Jobs predicted that we will always carry a “virtual assistant” with us, and now we have an iPhone with Siri

Prediction (1984) : “Next are computers with” virtual assistants, “Jobs told Newsweek’s Access Magazine.” In other words, there will be a “person” in the ‘box’ ready to do. everything when you need it. ”

“I’ve always thought it would be nice to have such ‘boxes’ with me,” Jobs told Newsweek.

Result: iPhone launched in 2007, and Siri virtual assistant was introduced in 2010.

Jobs also talked about non-existent car sales – what was being done by Tesla.

Prediction: “There’s too much money used to store inventory – billions of dollars. Inventory is never good. Always spend a mountain of money, along with time and labor to manage. Remember that Usually there is never a car available to suit every customer’s needs, so you only need a model car, then look at the other colors of its changeable colors through technology. You can order your car and receive it within a week, ”Jobs told Wired.

Currently: Tesla’s stores are famous for having only very few cars available. Buyers order custom vehicles at their disposal with the salesperson or online.

Jobs has been storing it on email for a long time – similar to today’s cloud storage

Prediction (1996): “There are so many things to store and can’t manage if you print them all out. So I save them via email and the web, and didn’t have to manage too much. In fact, how My favorite to remind myself to do something is to email myself, “he told Wired.

Currently: Apple has deployed iCloud in 2011. Now, automatically saving files on the internet through cloud services has become popular thanks to applications like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Bill Gates

Gates predicts online monitoring

Prediction (1999): “Your home activities are monitored through video, and they will also notify when someone visits you without a home,” Gates predicts in “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought. ”

Currently: Security cameras incorporating Amazon doorbells are widely used in the US. Some local police departments even have access to these videos, creating an extremely large informal surveillance network.

He also predicts smart advertising, “self-understanding” user needs

However, the ads “too smart” also makes users worried because they feel they are overheard.

Prediction (1999): “The ads will become more and more ‘smart’. They know your buying trends and will display ads that match your interests,” Gates wrote in “Business @ the Speed.” Of Think “.

Currently: Facebook and Instagram have recently admitted they have eavesdropped on users, but they deny accusing them of using those data to suggest appropriate advertising to get the highest advertising performance.

Gates believes that we will only be looking online soon – and now we have LinkedIn

Prediction (1999): “Job seekers will be able to find online job opportunities, just need to show their interests, needs and professional skills to be”, Gates wrote in “Business @ the Speed ​​of Think “.

Currently: LinkedIn debuted just four years after Gates made that prediction, in 2003. The number of US workers with LinkedIn profiles was 154 million in February 2019, according to Hootsuite.

Jeff Bezos

Bezos claims Amazon is not a direct competitor to book retailers in the long term

Prediction (1999): “Confirming with you, another year from now bookstores will not treat us as direct competitors,” Bezos told Wired.

“I and they go on two different paths … We are on the e-commerce path, and they (book stores) are not,” he concluded.

Bookstores are no longer opponents of Amazon

Currently: Amazon is a large electronic “market” with a much more diverse range of goods – hardware, video, music, … even self-made goods, and shipping is just one eye. Chain in that vast empire of Amazon.

Bezos claims that a large number of goods purchased at stores will be purchased online – and now we’re putting toilet paper rolls on e-commerce sites.

Prediction (1999): “Most of the goods purchased at stores – food, paper, household items or the like, will be ordered online,” Bezos predicts in an interview with Wired about. future in 2020.

Currently: Amazon Prime Pantry launched in 2014, providing all “grocery and necessities”, from washing powder to shampoo.

Bezos believes that the future will have a network of devices connected via the internet – and now we have smart houses with Alexa integrated devices (Amazon’s virtual assistant).

Prediction (1999): “I believe there will be a lot of devices connected via the internet … a lot of things,” Bezos said.

Today: Homes are currently served by Alexa-enabled devices, from speakers to home security systems.


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