
Spring Batch – Series – 1 – Some basic concepts

Here are some basic concepts that I have learned, about each part I will speak more clearly in other posts.

1. Batch processing

Batch processing (Batch processing) is a program that performs a series of steps without user intervention, can be done through scheduling and is provided with authorized resources.

Computerized batch processing is the running of “jobs that can run without end user interaction, or can be scheduled to run as resources permit.

2. Spring Batch

Spring Batch is an open resource framework for batch processing. Spring Batch provides methods and functions built to handle large volumes of data. Spring Batch

3. Mybatis

MyBatis is a persistence framework class created to support the use of SQL, to store and improve connectivity. Mybatis

4. Structure of Spring Batch

  • JobLaucher is an interface for a Job implementation that takes input parameters.
  • The Job defined above will take parameters passed from JobLaucher and execute each step defined in the Job.
  • Step is defined to control the way batch processing works. In Step, there exist components such as Item Reader, Item Writer and Item Processor.
  • JobRepository provides CRUD for JobLaucher, Job, Step in the implementation process.
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