
Siri virtual assistant about to support Vietnamese?

According to reports from Macrumors , the iPhone maker is hiring “Siri Comment Analysts” who are fluent in several languages ​​currently not supported by the voice assistant. This shows the vast expandability of Siri being quietly operated by Apple.

Specifically, Apple’s office in Cork, Ireland is hiring people who are fluent in Ukrainian, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Croatian, Greek, Flemish, Romanian and Polish. Meanwhile, Apple is also hiring people who are fluent in Indonesian and Vietnamese from an office in Singapore.

Apple can speak Vietnamese in the near future.

As described in the job listing, the “Comments Analyst” working for Apple will listen to and transcribe ‌Siri‌’s conversations to evaluate ‌Siri‌’s response.

” As Annotation Analyst you will hear and transcribe audio files as well as evaluate ‌Siri‌’s response and language usage, from customers who have chosen to participate in the scoring program. will use her linguistic and cultural knowledge, along with analytical skills, to evaluate principled answers. ”

These kinds of ‌Siri‌ reviews were previously conducted by third-party contracting companies but after a scuffle in mid-2019 about how Apple used ‌Siri‌ records for reviews with little notification to customers, the company put it on an internal job. Apple has also overhauled its ‌Siri‌ scoring program and added options for customers to choose not to use their ‌Siri‌ records for product improvement, or to remove ‌Siri‌ records that have been collected.

Apple does not support ‌Siri‌ in the languages ​​it is recruiting, suggesting that ‌Siri‌ is likely to arrive in new countries in the near future. If ‌Siri‌ is supported for additional languages, those languages ​​can also be added to the Translate app released in iOS 14.

‌Siri‌ is currently available in more than 37 countries, with the listing available on Apple’s website .

Refer to macrumors

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