
Simple Ajax App in Rails

Let’s try to write a simple Web application using Ajax using Ruby on Rails! ??
In the article, I will not mention the basic operations anymore, but straight into how to build Ajax, so it can be a bit brief ^^. # Introduction —– #### What is Ajax ? Ajax stands for 「Asynchronous Javascript + XML」, vietsub is「Asynchronous communication based on JS and XML」. The advantage of “Asynchronous” is that even when it runs, it will not interfere with other processes of the system.
* ‘Synchronous communication’ will process each statement sequentially, after processing this statement, then the next statement.
* As for Asynchronous communication', it will continue to execute the following statements regardless of whether the current statement has completed or not. This will make the user experience smoother because there is no need to wait for long, time-consuming commands to be processed. **For example, users can operate continuously on the website without having to reload the page.**
➤ It is because of this non-sequential statement processing that developing applications using Ajax will also be more difficult and laborious ^^.
***Example of Ajax application in practice:** Facebook Like and Comment function, Add to cart function of online shops...etc..*
You can read more about Ajax here
To use Ajax, there are many different ways, but the most popular is still using Jquery. In this article, I also use Jquery to write Ajax functions ?. # Let's start ! ----- > Ruby version: 2.7.2
> Rails version : 6.1.5
> Database : default SQLite3 >
I will create an app with only one function,
create, other functions you can do the same.
## 1. Create Controller and Model * First, I create a new Rails app named
Open Terminal and do the following:
$ rails new testapp Wait for it to run, then direct the address to the newly created app location
$ cd testapp
* Create controller named
posts with page index
~/testapp$ rails g controller posts index ![image.png](
* Create model
post with column title, data type as text ~/testapp$ rails g model post title:text ![image.png]( /be9d74aa-9bf7-4202-b41b-198b4a96f8df.png)
* Creating a model is indispensable with the
migrate command. ~/testapp$ rails db:migrate ## 2. Build views and validation * If you want to access the website, you must first install routing, right! ^^
ruby ​​Rails.application.routes.draw do resources :posts, only: [:index, :create] root “posts#index” end resources applies only to methods index and create .
* Next, please access the file
index.html.erb by the path testapp/app/views/post/index.html.erb and add the code below. html


Find me in app/views/posts/index.html.erb

<%= form_for @post, remote: true do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :title, class: “input-box” %> <%= f.submit %> <% end %>

<% @posts.each do |post| %> <%= render “posts/post”, post: post %> <% end %>

The above code uses
form_for, so it must have remote: true, if you use form_with, you do not need to add remote: true because in form_with the default of remote is already true. already. If you get an error instead of form_with, try restarting the server a few times and then try again.
You can replace
form_for with form_with as follows:
html <%= form_with model: @post do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :title, class: “input-box” %> <%= f.submit %> <% end %>
* Above I used
<%= render “post/post, post: post %> so now I have to create a partial file.
You go to the folder
testapp/app/views/post and create a new file named _post.html.erb. Then add the following code to the file: html <%= %>- <%= post.title %>

* Do not leave
:title blank when creating a post. File testapp/app/models/post.rb edit as follows. ruby ​​class Post < ApplicationRecord validates :title, presence: true end ## 3. Build Controller and template * Once the views are done, then the controller part, you edit the file testapp/ app/controllers/posts_controller.rb as below. ruby ​​class PostsController < ApplicationController def index @posts = Post.all @post = end def create @post = respond_to do |format| if format.js end end end private def post_params params.require(:post).permit(:title) end end
* In this article, I use Jquery to build Ajax. I will import Jquery by adding Jquery CDN to the
of the file testapp/app/views/layout/application.html.erb. html<%= csrf_meta_tags %> <%= csp_meta_tag %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ‘application’, media: ‘all’, ‘data-turbolinks-track’: ‘reload’ %> <%= javascript_pack_tag ‘application’, ‘data-turbolinks-track’: ‘reload’ %><%= yield %>* The final step is to create a tempate.In controller we just created def create function so we also need to create a template for create in views section. However, since we want to use Ajax, our template is not ~~create.html.erb~~ but create.js.erb.Go to the testapp/app/views/posts folder and create a new file named create.js.erb. Then add the following code to the file. javascript $(‘.box’).append(“<%= j render @post %>”); $(‘.input-box’).val(“”); $(‘.box’).append(“<%= j render @post %>”); : On the index.html.erb page we put the post display in the tag

nên ta sẽ dùng lệnh append để add thêm các post mới vào thẻ div này.

Câu lệnh <%= j render @post %> là cách viết tắt của <%= escape_javascript(render @post) %>. Nó giúp lệnh render của chúng ta tránh bị lỗi ký tự khi render file partial. Các bạn có thể đọc thêm về escape_javascript ở đây Hoặc
Còn $('.input-box').val(""); có tác dụng làm trắng khung input trong form sau khi tạo post thành công.

# Complete

So we have finished writing a simple Ajax app using Jquery and Rails. Let’s go to localhost and see what results!
* Start the server, our default localhost is port 3000. ~/testapp$ rails s Results ![]( -5f65a8372164.gif)
Yes, It’s works ! ??
Thus, we can see that thanks to Ajax, we can create new posts and the newly created posts will immediately appear on the screen without having to reload the page. # Summary —– Above are the super basic steps to create an Ajax app using rails. In addition to the above create feature, people can also do the same with other features such as update, edit or delete.
I’m also learning Rails on my own, so I hope everyone reads and comments.

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